A trip to the past

  • The birth of chaos?

    The birth of chaos?
    This beautiful chaos was born on July 11, 1997, in the city of Pamplona Norte de Santander. As a curious fact, I was born at home, not in a hospital.
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    My first steps were very important, since at that time my mother was still alive. It was she who taught me the most essential things in life. Make pa Lante
  • Start of school

    Start of school
    The beginning of the student stage was something very great, it was the beginning of wanting to learn more and more.
  • An incredible Halloween

    An incredible Halloween
    Halloween The time of year that I missed the most as a child, since my taste for costumes or scary things has always existed. From that Halloween I remember getting a lot of candy, it was my last costume
  • Tying myself to Catholicism

    Tying myself to Catholicism
    The truth is I don't know why I was baptized so late, I only know that I haven't liked anything that has to do with religion. As a child I have wondered about heaven and hell, reaching conclusions that are only ideas to bind man.
  • The end of an era, the beginning of real life.

    The end of an era, the beginning of real life.
    Completing my time at school was more than joy, it made me more afraid since it awakened in me that question of who will I be? And what will I do for my life?