Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
The protestant reformation
Oct 31, 1517
95 theses
-Created by Martin Luther
-This was basically a list of the issues Luther had with the Catholic church
-One issue he had was with indulgences which were remissions of temporary punishment for sins that have already been forgiven
-You would have to pay the church for this -
Jan 28, 1521
Diet of worms
-Held in Worms, Germany
-Was an imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire
-Was a assembly that touched base on what Martin Luther was doing and the protestant reformation -
Sep 29, 1527
English reformation
-A series of events that span over the entire 16th century
-During this time the church of England broke away from the authority of the pope -
Oct 1, 1529
Marburg Colloquy
-A meeting at the Marburg castle in Germany
-The reason this was held was to settle an arguement between Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli over whether or not Christ was really at the Lords supper -
Jan 21, 1530
Augsburg confession
-The confession of faith of the Lutheran Church -
Jul 6, 1535
Execution of Sir Thomas Moore
- Was an English lawyer,author,statesman,Renaissance humanist, & social philosopher -More opposed the Kings separation from the Catholic Church -Was tried for treason and was beheaded
Sep 29, 1536
John Calvin
-Was a book written as an introductory to the protestant faith -
Sep 29, 1536
William Tyndale's execution
-Most known for translating the bible to English
-Was betrayed by Henry Phillips
-Was tried for heresy
-Was strangled and burnt at the stake -
Sep 27, 1540
Society of Jesus
-A Christian male religious congregation of the catholic church
-Members are known as Jesuits
-They work in education,intellectual research, and cultural pursuits -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent
-Held in Trent & Bologna Italy
-This council met 25 times until December 4th 1563
-They came up with a number of decrees -
Jan 28, 1547
Henry VIII
-Became king of England on April 21st 1509
-Known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the pope and the Roman Catholic church
-Made radical changes to the English constitution -
Sep 25, 1555
Peace of Augsburg
-Also known as the Augsburg settlement
-This was a treaty between Charles V and the Schmalkaldic league which was just an alliance of Lutheran Princes
-Held in Augsburg which is now known as Baravia Germany
-Ended religious struggles between both sides -
Sep 29, 1559
Act of supremacy
-Legislation that granted King Henry VIII royal supremacy
-This means he was named head of the Church of England -
Edict of Nantes
-By Henry IV of France
-Henry aimed to promote civil unity
-Seperated civil from religious unity -
King James bible
-This is just the English version of the Christian bible for the church of England