The Stop and Search Tactics
The stop and search tactics were unusual. A British Sailor would hop on board to an American boat and travel back to Britain. The question to ask is why? The Sailors were treated like peasants and given minimal wage and food. This angered the Sailors so they wanted a better life. The Americans felt OK bringing the helpless Sailors back to Britain but Britian did otherwise. So the Sailors would attempt to escape but Britian would stop the ships and take the goods and runaway slaves back "home". -
Trade Barriers
This never had a specific timeline but was an impact in the war of 1812. Like the Stop and search tactics the British would take the American ships and steal there goods. This was because Britian was at war with France and the goods were for France. So the British put a stop to it and stole the goods instead of the enemy's using it for good. -
Brock Captures Fort Michillmackinac
Fort Michillmackinac was in the hands of both sides several times until Sir Issac Brock attacked Fort Michillmackinac. Since 1796 America controlled Michillmackinac But July 16 1812 Sir Issac Brock and his army sneak attacked the Americans and ended the continuing war that was happening in Fort Michillmackinac. For the rest of the War of 1812 Britian Had control of Fort Michillmackinac. -
Brock And Tecumseh Exchange Sashes In Fort Detroit
Brock and Techumseh fought side by side to attack Fort Detroit. They managed to end the fight before it started on August 16,1812 because the Americans were terrified of the abrigonial warriors under there leader Techumseh. So when the war ended the British took A large supply of American ammunition and weapons. Also Techumseh and Brock confronted each other and Techumseh had gave Sir Issac Brock a arrow-patterned sash and put it around his waist.From that day Brock wore it until his death. -
General Brock Dies at Queenston Heights
The death of Sir Issac Brock was a tragedy to all. The battle of Queenston Heights was seeming to be an easy win for America because Amercia had over 2,000 troops and Militia While General Sheafe and Brock could only muster 100 people to protect Queenston Heights until backup came. They managed to hold off America until 650 allies arrived and beat America. 300 Us soilders were killed and For Canada, 14 including the General Sir Issac Brock. -
The Amercians Capture All The Cannons At Queenston Heights
The Americans Placed an attack on the British at Queenston Heights where Sir Issac Brock was shot and killed. Before any gunfire The Americans Had climbed The Heights to gain an advantage on position and spotted a British Cannon. This was the only Cannon Guarding the slope so The Americans Stole it and gave the British a disadvantage on weaponrie. -
The Americans capture York
York which is Today Toronto was the Capital of Upper Canada at the time. They were the most powerful city in Upper Canada and controlled the most gunpowder and weaponrie. The Americans felt the British were weak in North America since The French and British were fighting in Europe. So in April of 1813 the Americans Attacked York and captured York. But many had died that day since the construction of S.M.H Sir Issac Brock was under construction and Britian Blew it up to keep it from Amercia. -
The British Defeat The Amercians At Niagara
Around the end of May the Amercians planned another attack, this time on Niagara with originaly 2,000 troops. By the begining of June the Amercians had set 5,000 troops, in the enemy's area. The British knew of there planned attacks so in earliy june anarmy of British soldiers under there leader Major General John Vincent set a suprise attack on The Amercians and foced them in retreat. From their those soildiers traveled on to Beaver Dam to stop the Amercians. -
The British Defeat The Amercians At Beaver Dam
The battle at Beaver Dam was a part 2 to the Battle at Fort Niagara. Major general John Vincent and his men arrived in Beaver Dam later that month which was June. This was where Laura Sicord became a Canadian legend. When she heard of the attacks she fled from her home in Amercia to the safe envoirment of British teritory. She told British officals and The British and Aboriginal soldiers attacked Amercia and forced them to surrender. -
Naval Battle
There were many Naval wars in the war of 1812 but this one was more special than the others. This war was on September 10, 1813 in Lake Erie. Captian Robert Barclay would blockade the haubor the amercians used. So September 10'th Barclay went to re-supply when many Amercian soldiers crossed and set up there fleet along Lake Erie. Because of Barclay going to resupply the Amercians suprised the British and were Victorious. -
Tecumseh Dies At Morviantown
There was a Naval battle in wich Amercia won in September 10'th 1813. This lead the British into retreat where this lead to the death of Techumseh in Morviantown. Techumsehs only way out was left or right since there was a lake and there was woods but the Amercians attacked from the center. This led to the death of Techumseh and the retreat of his men. This made the British worrie that the Amercians may win the war very soon. -
Da SalaBerry tricks the Amercians
Da Salaberry was a british general. He was the leader of the Canadian Voltigeurs for there attacks and defends in Lacolle in Noverber of 1812, , and The raid of the Four Corners. As well in 1813 Da Salaberry was sent to guard the chateauguay river. The Amercians took action and used a 3,700 man force and attacked the area in October 1813. This backfired because Da Salaberry knew how to suprise attack them and did so. The amercians left in retreat and the Britians won that war. -
The Amercians Are Defeated At Chryslers Farm
The Amercians were ready and were suspected to Win at Chrysler's farm but anything can happen. Any army of 350 small boats and thousands of soldiers were sent to capture Montreal but there were Canadian snipers. The snipers managed to kill many and the 1800 remaining Amercians clashed with the British and thier allies known as the "Defenders". They defeated the Amercians and won that war. -
Battle Takes Place At Lundys Lane
This was the most bloodiest war in the war of 1812. The Amercians would cross the Niagara river and turn north, while the British would go through Fort George to meet them. The battle started very late in the night, and continued through the dark. This war could never be determined who won but the Amercians had captured Britians General Phineas Riall when the war ended. -
The British Burn Washington
The Britsh were ferious in the Battle of York and they wanted revenge. So on August of 1814 the British Attacked the capital of Amercia, Washington, D.C. The British won that war but that wasnt the only good thing that happened to the British. They Burned Down Every Parliment Building Except For One. So overall the British felt they got revenge But there was still York to attempt to get back. -
The Treaty Of Ghent Is Signed
This is what ended the war of 1812. On Christmas Eve 1814 The treaty of Ghent was signed. This had many positive affects. Soldiers and warriors could go home, All land that was used or taken away in the war was given back to their previos owners, and Like i said before THE WAR ENDED!!!!!!.