David Crosby French Revolution Timeline

  • Taxes are raised

    King Louis is forced to raise taxes due to helping in wars
  • Period: to

    National Assembly Government

    Revolutionary government led by the third estate meet.
  • Tennis Court oath

    Tennis Court oath
    national assembly says it wont disband until it has a constitution
  • Bastille storm

    Bastille storm
    third estate attacks bastille
  • Period: to

    Great Fear

    peasants attempt to attack noble manors and estates, cause widespread damage.
  • Nobles in asssembly

    Nobles in asssembly
    The nobles renounce feudal rights and the Jacobins are formed
  • Period: to

    King Louis goes from Versailles to paris

    He attemps to move to a safer place
  • Period: to

    Run Louis Run

    King Louis flees to Austria and is caught
  • Assembly issues

    Declaration of rights are discussed
  • Period: to

    legislative assembly

    constitutional government is made of elected officials
  • Bad bomb

    Bad bomb
    paris mob, gvt collapses, minister kills traitors.
  • Period: to

    National Convention Government

    The gang meets up to write the new french constitution
  • National convention

    monarchy gets abolished
  • day one of the revolutionary calendar

    day one of the revolutionary calendar
    a day when everything got reset
  • Revolutionary Calendar

    Revolutionary Calendar
    All the days and months get scrambled and changed
  • Off with his head!

    Off with his head!
    The national convention kicks off with the execution of their own king!
  • Counter revolution revolt

    The empire (Monarchy) strikes back
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    Terror is used to kick start the new revolution, having multiple people be sent to the guillotine
  • Price Changes

    the new government sets controls on prices, changes of street names, etc
  • Robespierre Is Killed Too

    Maximilien Robespierre is executed, ending the Reign of Terror.
  • Come All Ye People

    Churches reopen
  • New Contitution

    the new constitution gets adopted and that's pretty good, forming a new government called Directory
  • Period: to

    Directory Government

    New constitution creates 2 houses, the council of 500 and the council of ancients
  • Coup d'eat

    The government takes over, removing all loyalists.
  • Napoleon shows up

    Napoleon shows up
    Napoleon abolishes Directory and establishes Consulate government, which kills the French Revolution.