A timeline of the French Revolution

  • King Louis XVl with the Estates General assembly

    King Louis XVl with the Estates General assembly
    After bad harvests and costly wars, King Louis XVl is forced to convene the Estates General assembly in order to raise taxes because there is not enough money flowing through the country.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly government

    This Revolutionary government led by the 3rd estate set new laws in to the French society.
  • Tennis Court Oath.

    Tennis Court Oath.
    At the Tennis Court Oath. the National Assembly resolves not to disband until it has written a constitution so that everything is agreed apon.
  • Bastille stormed and taken by Paris mob

    Bastille stormed and taken by Paris mob
    The Bastille, a medieval fortress, was mobbed ad destroyed and after this King Louis XVl steadily lost power.
  • Period: to

    Great fear

    Peasants attack noble manors.
  • Nobles in National Assembly renounce feudal rights

    Nobles in National Assembly renounce feudal rights
    The Feudal Rights are abolished and another part of the French law is stripped away.
  • Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man
    This was a base set of rights the the rebels in the French Revolution wanted to put in place.
  • King Louis to Paris

    King Louis to Paris
    King Louis is brought from Versailles to Tuileries palace in Paris to get what he deserved from the people of France.
  • The King flees

    The King flees
    The king rushes away from Paris to escape to go to Varennes.
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly government

    Constitutional Government by elected officials
  • Problems arise in France

    Paris mob storms royal palace; Legislative Assembly government collapse. Minister of Justice Danton kills thousands of traitors.
  • National Conventions rule

    The new National Convention gets rid of the monarchy and declares France as a republic.
  • National Conventions rule

    The new National Convention gets rid of the monarchy and declares France as a republic.
  • Revolutionary Calendar

    The new Revolutionary Calendar introduces new day and month names
  • Big changes

    The National Convention condemns and executes the King which is a very important decision for France.
  • The Counter-revolution

    The revolt of the Counter-revolution in Vendee region begins.
  • "Reign of Terror"

    This is a very deadly period that's job is to kill all rebels of the Revolution.
  • New laws

    Price controls put into place by government, dechristinization, administration reform.
  • A major death, again?

    In the month of "Thermidor", Robespierre is executed which is ironic because of the fact that he started the revolution in the first place.
  • Church reopens

    The dechristinization has ended and the church is reopened.
  • New constitution

    The new constitution is created with new changes, and now the government is called the Directory.
  • Period: to

    The Directory government

    New constitution has 2 houses: Council of Ancients and Council of 500
  • Government takeover

    This is called the "coup d'etat" and it removes royalists from Directory.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat

    Napoleon's coup d'tat abolishes Directory and establishes Consulate government.
  • The END

    The revolution is all over.