A Timeline of My Life - Sandra Park

  • Birth

    I was born in Seoul, South Korea 1997, September 1st. I was born into a loving family of three who lived in an Asian culture. My brother was 4 at the time and I was told he was at a speech competition when I was born. I was born from a average family that was going through some financial problems, and I think this had a significant effect on my life.
  • Period: to

    1 - 10 (in Korea, infants are automatically considered age 1 when they are born)

    Infancy: Basic trust vs. mistrust - asked if I can trust my mother (have mistrust because mom was busy during my infancy)
    Early childhood: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt - asked if it is okay to be myself (overcome by toilet training and clothing myself)
    Preschool: Initiative vs. guilt - asked if it is okay be independent (overcome by exploring new things)
    School age: Industry vs. inferiority - asked if I can make it through the world (overcome by making new friends and meeting new people)
  • Living in Canada

    Living in Canada
    When I was 7, my mother, brother and I left Korea to live in Canada for a short time. This was mainly due to financial reasons so my dad was left alone in Korea for his job. It was a great 2 years staying in Canada despite all the hardships our family went through. I learned English for the first time here, and I think this is why I wanted to study abroad so badly.
  • Back in Korea

    Back in Korea
    When I became 9, our family moved back to Korea. This is when I struggled the most because of the different culture and education system. I couldn't make a lot of friends because I wasn't used to the different culture. School was hard for me because we were learning such different things. I was fluent in English and Korean but writing them was extremely difficult since I wasn't better in one. This was the point in my life when I realized I needed to change and adapt to my surroundings to live.
  • Period: to

    10 - 20

    School age: Industry vs. inferiority - I asked if I could survive by myself (I became less dependent on parents and tried to accomplish new things like stop hiding behind my mother's leg when meeting new people)
    Adolescence: Identity vs. role confusion - I started to question my identity (who I really am, and my social relationship: overcame as I questioned my actions, how I react to situations and tried to find a unique self)
  • Trip to Europe

    Trip to Europe
    This was my first trip with my whole family to another world. This trip opened my eyes to a whole new world since I experiencing another different culture was so different. From this trip, I knew being stuck in a small country was not fit for me.
  • Grandmother gets breast cancer

    Grandmother gets breast cancer
    This was a sad year for my whole family. Our loving grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. My mother especially tried not to show her sadness but it was clear. This was the first time I ever got close to a death of someone I love. Thankfully, she was treated and is healthy currently but at this moment I felt like the world hated me. I learned how it felt to have a loved one ill, and also how to comfort my mother.
  • Study Abroad

    Study Abroad
    This is the day I first came to America. It was my decision to come to this country and study, and I have never regretted making this decision. This changed my perspective in everything from different cultures to the smallest things. Without making this decision, I would have been a sad student that doesn't know that a bigger world exists.
  • First Friend in America

    First Friend in America
    I still remember how in social studies class, Roshini came up to me and asked if I wanted to do a project with her. Being new to everything and being afraid, I told her no. Thankfully, she asked me a couple more times and we became partners. From this point on, I finally made a friend that I would rely on whenever anything happened. Roshini has been an amazing friend from the beginning and having her as a friend influenced my life incredibly. I opened my eyes to different cultures.
  • Junior High Graduation

    Junior High Graduation
    The first graduation I experienced since I came to America. I was very proud of myself and this is what have been pushing me to keep going until now. I still remember how accomplished it felt to graduate. Without this, I think it would have been hard for me to keep studying in a country with no family member. Also, it marked a new beginning for me since High school was waiting for me.
  • Seeing family after 2 years

    Seeing family after 2 years
    I had to stay in America for the first two years. I couldn't see my family because they didn't have skype or anything. The only ways of our communication was phone calls but this was not enough for us. When I finally went back to Korea over the summer, the emotions were indescribable. I think I cried for over an hour at the airport. This process made me more mature since I learned how to take care of myself and control my emotions. It made me extremely independent.
  • Senior year

    Senior year
    The final and last year of high school! I have been waiting for this year for so long. Submitting college apps and doing everything is driving me crazy, but I am glad since this is my last year. I know what's waiting for me at the end of all this. This year is changing my life since the decision I make on what college and major I would like will influence the next 10 - 20 years of my life.
  • Highschool Graduation

    Highschool Graduation
    Finally after 4 long years of staying with a mean host family, I would be able to have freedom. This would mean a new beginning in a whole different place. This will essentially influence what job I will get in the future, since going to college means choosing a major.
  • Period: to

    20 - 30

    Early adulthood: Intimacy vs. isolation - I started to question if finding a romantic partner or being in love is possible (I would overcome by marrying I truly love and know they are worthy of loving)
  • First Job

    This will be a big turning point in my life because it would be something I dreamt for so long. I have always imagined a life with the job I've wanted and doing other activities I never had the chance to do during my learning years. This job will give me my first paycheck, which will make me fully independent and also will be considered an adult. From this point on, I won't receive the support I got from my parents for so long, and it will make me more mature.
  • Marriage

    I want to marry in my late 20s, and this will significantly change my life. Choosing a life partner to spend every moment is a big deal. I would change along with my partner for a better life and it will definitely change the choices I make.
  • First house and car

    Finally being independent, the ability to buy my own house and car would show that I am fully grown.
  • Period: to

    30 - 40

    Early adulthood: Intimacy vs. isolation - I asked myself if I could love others (I would be married at this point, so I would look forward to continuing a life long relationship with my partner)
  • First child

    This is the point when I can finally understand my parents. I would be a parent and finally understand what my mother meant when she said "wait until you have a child of your own. You'll understand then." Living as a parent that is responsible for another tiny human being would be a huge point in my life.
  • Period: to

    40 - 50

    Adulthood: Generatively vs. stagnation - I would question if life is worthy and ask myself if my job makes me happy and if having children was a good idea (overcome it by realizing that my choices were the best that could be, and appreciating things in life)
  • Retirement

    After years of education to get the job I've wanted, finally retiring would be so different. I spent a huge portion of my life looking up to this job and finally ending the job would mean a lot. It would be like finally accomplishing a goal after several years of time and effort.
  • Send child to College

    This would be a big turning point for my child, thus meaning it is as equally important for me. If my child had poured their whole adolescence working to go to the college they wanted to go to, it would mean even more. The way I raised my child to be educated would become important.
  • Period: to

    50 - 60

    Adulthood: Generatively vs. stagnation - question if my life was worthy of something (I would have retired and have children that are fully grown. I would look back at my life and think of all the regrets but overcome it with good memories and seeing how well my children grew)
  • Marriage of Child

    This will let me know that I have raised my children to the fullest. My children would be independent adults, which shows that my duty as a parent to raise their children is done. The whole goal for my Generativity vs. stagnation would be fulfilled
  • Period: to

    60 - 70

    Maturity: Ego integrity vs. despair - is it okay to have been me? (I would reflect on life and ask how I have lived up to this point. Was I a good parent? Were the choices I made for my children great? What would have happened if I didn't make a certain choice? I would overcome this doubt by seeing grandchildren that are beautiful and knowing that my life was quite fulfilling)
  • Death of parent

    The loss of someone who was the closest to you since birth would be devastating. As much as I would not want to face this, it would be something I have to come to. It would make me rethink about my whole life and the meaning my parents have. I would reflect on the way how much my parents influenced my life.
  • Period: to

    70 - 80

    Maturity: Ego integrity vs. despair - is it okay to have been me? (I would reflect on life and ask if I was an okay human being up to this point. Overcome this by seeing friends and family that still love me)
  • Period: to

    80 - 90

    Maturity: Ego integrity vs. despair - is it okay to have been me? (reflection on life and since I'm close to death, seeing people who come with me to take a picture for my funeral and loving family that still cares for me will help me overcome everything)
  • Death

    This would be the day I die after going through a long hard life. The number of people that comes to my funeral and mourn will show how great of a person I was while living, and how much I influenced the people around me.
  • Eulogy

    I've lived a long life and lived through it wishing that when i am gone, at least one person could say that I was the reason they did something amazing. It doesn't need to be big, but just the fact that I changed someone's life would be amazing. I am most proud of my children who I raised like the way my own parents did. The only regret in my life is how I wasn't better to my parents when they were alive. I want people to remember me as the strong independent woman that had power in her words.