A Timeline of Ethics in Psychology

  • Period: to

    Concentration Camps

    Nazi concentration camps conduct cruel experimentation on any person deemed “unacceptable”; i.e., queer individuals, Jewish people, and people of color.
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    Nuremberg Code

    A military tribunal in Germany created the Nuremberg Code, ethical guidelines for research due to the atrocities conducted within Nazi concentration camps. The Nuremburg code still acts as a basis for ethical code of conduct in research.
  • The APA

    The American Psychological Association (APA) established the APA Committee on Ethical Standards for Psychologists.
  • A Final Draft

    The final draft of the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct is published.
  • A Study on Obedience

    Stanley Milgram studies obedience using electrical shock on human subjects, angering the scientific community and the public alike.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    The Zimbardo Prison Experiment is conducted. Researchers divided participants intro roles as prisoner or officer. Participants proved the innate sadistic nature of people when given ideological authority.
  • Human Subjects in America Protected

    Watershed Federal Law to protect human subjects in research is passed.
  • Ethics Revised

    The APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct undergoes major revision.