Lemonade Stand
They brought in some of the 1st personal computers ( not IBM) and we got to play lemonaide stand and learn programing in basic -
Programing in Basic/Lemonaid Stand
1st microwave at our home. It was Huge. Cost $1,000. -
Dos and Word + Black Caldron
Period: to
Tandy 1000
1st computer with dial up -
Wordperfect /peachtree
Learned basic book keeping with peach tree and Learned wordperfect. Spell Check saved my life -
Double Cassett tape stereo
I bought a 2 cassett stereo for when I came to BYU. -
News Groups - bbs
I joined a few newsgroups -
Video Camera for family memories
We bought a video camera to record movies of our children -
Nintendo 64
Tech turned to family time. -
Payson Library - Books on Tape Drive
I worked on the Friends of the Library Board. We ran a fundraiser so we could put books on tape in the Library -
Palm iiic
I got a palm pilot to help with organization. But mostly used it for reading. -
Game Cube
Period: to
Wii u
Playstation 4
Cut the Cable- only streaming