Time Safari Inc.
Takes place in the year 2055. Time Safari Inc. is a company where people go back in time by time traveling. The company is used to hunt dinosaurs without interfering with the past and the future. -
Time Travelers
Eckles is the main character and the protagonist. He goes with his guide Mr. Travis, and his assistant Lesperance. Two other hunters, Billings and Kramer come along. They all go into the machine to hunt the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Travis explains to Eckles to stay on the path. -
Butterfly Effect
Travis describes the "butterfly effect". He explains to Eckles that killing one little mouse can lead to bigger conflicts, such as wiping out a family. -
They spot the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the red paint and start shooting at it. -
Eckles off the path
Eckles is frightened and accidently steps off the path thus killing a butterfly. Therefore, it changes the future and history. -
Travis finds out and is furious at Eckles for stepping off the path. Travis has told Eckles before that there are consequences when an animal is killed. -
Time Safari Inc. sign
They return and notice that the spelling is different from the Time Safari Inc. sign. Eckles asks the man behind the desk who is the president, and he replies with Deutscher. Eckles then knows that he changed history and drops to the floor knowing what must be done. -
Eckles Consequence
Travis then shoots Eckles.