The Day We Discoverd Space
MIssiels brought human technology to the brink of space, and sputnik. Then first object first object to orbit around the Earth. -
When N.A.S.A Began
President Dwight Eisnhower Signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, providing for research into the problems or flight within Earths atmoshpereand in space. After a protracted debate over military verus civilian control of space, they annouced that N.A.S.A began. -
John F. Kennedy's Challenge
John F. Kennedy challenged of achiveing the goal (before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon) is going to be rememberd for a life time. -
Tragedy Of The Challenger Shuttle
Around 11:40 a.m, 7 astronauts died by the explosion during launch STS-51-L from Kenedy Space Center. It exploded 73 seconds into the flight because a leak in one or two solid rockets boosters that ignited the main fuel tank. -
A Succcesful Landing
The Shuttle succesfully returned to flight and N.A.S.A flew 87 succesful missions.