
A Pregnant Woman

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    A Pregnant Woman

    A Pregnant Woman
    A woman gets pregnant when a egg get fertilized. at this moment the fertilization generates a skin to protect the fertilized egg.
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    8 weeks of pregnacy

    8 weeks of pregnacy
    At the 8 weeks of pregnancy the embryo generates a even bigger protective shell and the baby gets the necessity to eat, that generates the umbilical cord, and at this age the mom and the baby share blood.
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    The development of the fetus

    The development of the fetus
    At the age of 14 weeks the embryo gets considered as a fetus and the we can identify its sex apart of the ability of being alive outside the mother's uterus
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    16-20 Weeks of Pregnancy

    16-20 Weeks of Pregnancy
    Between 16 and 20 weeks, the pregnant woman feels for the first time the movements of the fetus. Women who have already been pregnant usually perceive the movements of the fetus about 2 weeks before the primigesta. The placenta is fully formed between 18 and 20 weeks, but continues to grow during pregnancy. In childbirth it weighs about 500 g.