Histology Introduction - KWL Chart
Students Complete K-W of chart, 10 minutes and set up their table of contents and AVID notebooks with worksheets for remainder of period. -
Internet Guidelines
Teacher reminds students of how to properly use the internet and the consequences for inappropriate use. 10 minutes -
Period: to
Histology Unity
AVID Notes Due
Students will work in learning groups to develop questions and then individually write their summaries based on those questions.
25 minutes to work on left side questions, 15 minutes to work on summaries. Students will use the remainder of their time to complete the Box of Crayons ( AVID Strategy) based on their Histology Notes. -
Venn Diagram Endo/Exocrine Glands and Modes of Secretion
Students will fill out their venn diagrams, comparing endocrine and exocrine glands and select the correct picture of each. 25 minutes.
Students will use the remaining time to review their notes and highlight pertinent information to study for upcoming quiz. (20 mins) -
Quiz Histology
Students will take a quiz on what they have learned so far. 20 minutes. When finished, sudents will continue to work in their notebooks on selected pages. -
Types of Muscle Tissue
Students will compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissues located in the body, 25 mins. Students will continue to work in their notebooks. -
Histology Microscopes Lab
In pairs, students will visit the online resource and individually draw the specific image as displayed and the magnification it is viewed from. Additionally they will visit the correlating microscope and view it through there as well. Students will have 100 minutes to draw, color and identify all tissues online and from the microscopes in class. -
Flip cards
Students will be given 12 pictures of tissues of the body. They will be expected to know them all for the unit exam. students will idenitfy using their resource materials, given by teacher, online computer resources, including lectures. They will also color them appropriate colors. 50 minutes -
One- Pager
Students will review their notes and what they have learned throughout the unit to create a one pager on Histology. 40 minutes -
Tissue Box design
Students will have the entire class period to turn in their designed tissue boxes that display each type of tissue. 100 minutes -
End of Histology Unit Exam
Students will take the end of unit exam. 40 minutes