Estates-General Meeting
During th 1770's and 1780's the French government was falling under a lot of debt, between Marie Antoniette's spending, money spent towards helping the U.S revolutionaries, and debt inhereted from other kings, the debt slowoly began to make the economy decline. King Louis' solution to this problem was to begin taxing the nobles, but because of the oposition from the Second Estate he was forced to hold the first meeting in 175 years of the Estats-Generl to approve of his taxes. -
The National Assembly is Formed
The National Asembly was formed by the Third Estates after a man named Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes insinuated the idea in his speech. By forming the National Assembly claimed the end of the absolute monarchy and petitioned to begin a representative government. This lead to the Tennis Court Oath where they swore to stay in a tennis court until they had a new constitution. -
The Fall of Bastille Prison
After the National Assembly was formed the member of the Third Estate began to hear rumors that they were going to be attaked. In response and preperation for these attacks theu mobbed up and attacked the prison in Paris, Bastille. After having broken into the prison they stole their gun powder and other weapons and marhed aroud the streets. July 14 is now a national holiday in France. -
Feudalism is Abolished
In August 4, 1879 the National Assemby passed a degree declaring the end of feudalism. After a few hours all nobles and members of the clergy had lost their special privilages and feudalism was over. -
Decloration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is Issued
Decloration of the Rights of Man was issued on this day by the National Assembly. It declared the simple and natural rights that all men should have in all times and places. This document was highly influenced by Enlightment ideas, specigically John Locke's. -
Women's March of Versailles
Enraged by ridiculous bread prices the woemn of paris rioted through Verssailles. With them they carried cannons and other weapons. After a few hours, the King and Queen left the palace and a governmental reform began. -
A New Government
In summary, the year of 1790 ws a time for governmental reform. Unhappy with the absolute monarchy the French had revolted and run their rulers out of the country. After some time the National Assembly began to establish a new representative government. -
Flight to Varennes
On the night of June 20 1791 the royal family tried and failed to escape Paris. They intended to hide in the Austrian Netherlands and begin a counter-revoution. After this event the king was accused of treason, this later led to his execution. -
New Constitution is Drafted
In September 30, the year of 1791 the final meeting of the National Assembly was adjurned. After having recieved an acceptance from the king of their new lConstitution, the member clapped and cheered as the called the end of their final meeting. -
Decloration of War with Austria
War was declared by france despite the fact that they thought they had no chance of winning. Austria and all of its allies were up against France who did not stand much of a chance. -
Monarchy is Abolished
The Battle of Valmy was the first battle that the French win against Austria and its allies. After this victory the French finally declared the end of monarchy and the First French Republic was estabished.