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Deficit Spending by the Government
Picture Fracne's enormous debt started because of the Seven Year's War and kept gettting larger since then. King Lous XVI hired Jacques Necker who suggested to solve this debt by taxing the first and second Estate's. Necker was then fired by the Clergy and Nobility, for they refused to pay any taxes -
Louis XVI Calls the Estates General
For the first time in 175 years, all three Estates were called together to discuss and come up with a solution to the third Estates' complaints. Each Estate was asked to write up their grivences to be presented at the meeting. Louis XVI wasn't at the meeting, so nothing got resolved. He did however have a body of troops around Versilles, which enraged the peasants evern more. -
Parisians Storm the Bastille
Frustrated with all that was happening at the Bastille and wanting gunpowder, the National Assembly and others stormmed the Bastille demanding gunpowder. The Commander refused to open the doors and was beheaded. To this day, this event is a symbol of Independence and is celebrated ever since 1880. -
Rights of Man
Modeled after the Declaration of Independence, this document sates that every man (not women yet) is "born and remain free and in equal rights". It also says that every man has a righ to :liberty, prperty, security, and resistance to oppression". -
Woman's March
Thousands of fisher-women marched from Paris to Versailles, angry with Queen Marie Antoinette. They demanded that the royal family move to Paris so they could easilier access them and didn't leave their front step until that happened. Louis XVI and his family were virtually prisoners for about three years. -
The Church Reforms
In 1790, the Catholic Church undergoes a major change. Under the Civil Consitution, bishops, priests, and other clergy were now elected. Many people refused to go by this, however, anyone who went against this new way of running the church were punished. -
New Consitution
In France's new Consitution, there was a very limited monarchy. Those who were elected into the new Legistlative made laws, collected taxes, and made deisions on war and peace. It also abolished old provinces, ensured equality for men, and gave the people evn more power. -
Threats from Abroad
The Kind of Prussia, also Marie Antoinette's brother, is angry at how the citizens of France are treating the royalty. So, Prussia and their ally, Austria, write teh Declaration of Pillnitz which treatened to declare war on France if all other European powers did as well. Some think this was a bluff, but those who didn't saw it as a threat. -
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Civil War
Civil War Picture Threats and words turns into actions and battles. The Legislative Assembly delcares war on Austria because of the Declaration of Pillnitz, then on Prussia and Britian. This civil war in France continues on and off until 1815. -
Storming of Tuileris
Parisians barge into the palace, killing the King's gaurds and almost the Royal Family. However, they fled and were safe with the Legislative Assembly. -
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Abolishing the Monarchy
Picture In this timespan, many things and events led the the final abolishing of a Consitutional Monarchy. The final event being the beheading of King Louis XVI. -
A New French Republic
In September, a new Frech Republic is established, dissolving the monarchy. -
September Massacre
Many citizens bobarded a prison in France, killing anyone they can, including nobles, priests, and many normal criminals. A grand total of 1,200 prisoners were slaughtered. -
King Louis XVI is Executed
In January, the final act of abolishing the monarchy that has ruled France for so long is done. King Louis XVI is taken to the guillotine and beheaded. In October of that year, his wife, Marie Antoinette was also beheaded. -
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Reign of Terror
pictureFor almost a year, the France's citizens lived in fear, not knowing if they were going to die that day. Robespierre, leader of the Committee of Public Safety, and nicknamed "The Inocrruptable", wanted to eradicate all criminals and anyone who said even a word about the King and Queen, monarchy, ect. would be arrested, tried, and in most cases, sent to the guillotine. during this time period 300,000 people were arrested and 17,000 people were executed. -
Robespierre Dead
After almost a year of fear, the people had enough. Robespierre was arrested July 27, tried, and sentenced to death. He attempted killing himself before being sent to the guillotine, however he missed and shot his face, only breaking his jaw. The day after his arrest, he was beheaded anyway. -
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Third Stage of the Revolution
PictureAs the French Revolution comes to an end, moderates produce the third consitution since 1789. The moderates were a group of five men and made up the Directory, who were the leaders of the French Repulbic and there was a two-house legislature elected by poperty owning male citizens. Under this new Consitution, middle class and professionals of the bourgeoisie were the most powerful. Peace was made with Prussia and Spain, but war continued with Austria and Great Britian.