
A Look Into Bailey's Life

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    I was very , very little then. I was to small to even be seen on a ultra sound!
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    I was very little in my moms uterus then. I was not big at all.
  • Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form.

    Heart beats regularly.  Eyes and ears begin to form.
    My body is now beginning to form. My eyes and ears are now slowly making there shape and way. Citation:imelenchon "DSC_0006." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2-17-12
  • Heart develops right and left chambers

    Heart develops right and left chambers
    My hearts right and left chamber are forming so when I come out I can breathe normal and healthy. Citation:imagina, "heart." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
    I chose this picture because it shows the heart being small and the heart is big so thats why I used the picture.
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    I was not born then. I was in my moms uterus growing waiting to be born.
  • Bones are visible. Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.

    Bones are visible.  Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.
    Citation: imelenchon "CIMG1422." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/16/12
  • Fingerprints Form

    Fingerprints Form
    At this point, my finger prints are beginning to form to be their shape. Citation: imelenchon, "CIMG5624." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
  • Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.

    Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.
    I now can add some meat to my body and become bigger so I come out healthy and normal. Citation: roganjosh, "DSCF0254." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
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    I was a baby then. I was having to be taken care of by my family.
  • A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.

    A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.
    I now can hold my head up without help and begin to grab items. Citation: dee "PIC1089570994220." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
  • Infant begins to crawl

    Infant begins to crawl
    I will not be moving alone on the floor. I will be making my way around the room.
  • When I had RSV.

    When I had RSV.
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a very common virus that leads to mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older healthy children. It can be more serious in young babies, especially to those in certain high-risk groups. I had RSV when I was 9 months old. I had to stay at the hospital for a couple of nights. My mom wasn't allowed near me and I had to stay in a crib with test going on me. This is significant to me because it was a problem that happened to me and I had to be in the hospital.
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    I was a child. I was little and young.
  • My 4th Birthday Party

    My 4th Birthday Party
    This was my fourth birthday party. I had a candy land themed one. There was activities were we would have to grab marshmellows using our mouth as the hung on stuff. This is significant to me because it is probably one of my favorite birthday parties.
  • My Band Performance

    My Band Performance
    On April 18th 2008 was the day I did my band performance. This date is important to me because I played the clarinet and saxophone and I got to perform infront of an audience. Also this day was the day a tornado happened outside on my school. It was very scary and a very happy day for me. Citation:drummerboy "Saxaphone_bell2." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/16/12
  • Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.

    Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.
    I will now start growing. I will possibly start ovulation, some people get it later in life. Citation:Tombe, "Bathroom-gender-sign." Online Image. Wikimedia Commons. No date. 2/17/12
    I chose thsi pic because it shows females and this is when a girl goes through changes to come more older and guys go through changes.
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    I will now begin the stages of developement. I will now go through changes in my body.
  • When my family found out my brother had diabetes.

    When my family found out my brother had diabetes.
    July 24th of 2009 was the day we found out my brother was diagonoised with type 1 diabetes. Since that day my parents have to check on him and monitor him. Not only do they have to check on him but my sister and I do. We have to make sure that his blood sugars not to high or low. That day changed my life.
  • Parasailing

    My family and I went to Turks and Caicos. One of the activities we did was go parasailing. It is important to me because I got to go up in a parachute type of thing and fly over the ocean. My mom, grandmother and I went up together. My mom ended up getting motion sick, so to keep the happiness going my grandmother and I sang "Just a swingin"! That was a very fun day!
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    I will now be a a teen. I will now have more freedom.
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    I will now be an adult free to have my own family and have more of my responsibilities.
  • Skin starts to become wrinkled

    Skin starts to become wrinkled
    My skin will begin to slowly and gradually sag down forming wrinkles. Citation: Missyredboots "missyredboots088." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
  • Aging Begins

    Aging Begins
    At this time I will begin to get some wrinkles. My face will have aging marks. Citation: jdurham "october_26_052." Online Image. Morge File. No date. 2/17/12
  • Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly

    Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly
    I will by now be more noticed for having wrinkles and I will look old. This is when my skin will start to sag. Citation: PiVi & Co. AgingBooth App