World War I ends
Roaring Twenties
Economy flourished, People invested in stocks,Bought on credit,Time of big bands,Prohibition,Gangsters(Al Capone) -
Shotgun Cheatham's Last Night Above Ground
Jesse James Al Capone Bugs Moran,Home made beer, Valentines Day Massacre, Hupmobile,Tramp -
Stock Market Crashes/Great Depression Begins
Stock Market crashes,"Black Tuesday",Valentines Day massacre(gangsters) -
Economy Slows
The Great Depression,Banks failed,People lost jobs/homes,Breadlines,Hoovervilles,Hoboes,drought began in great plains, Golden Age of Radio -
The Mouse in the Milk
Milkman,Privy,Horsewagon,Hoover,Charles Lindbergh,Coolidge,House Wakes -
Freight Car Migrants
A One Woman Crime Wave
Boot Legging,Drifters/Hoboes -
The Day of Judgement
Barnstormers,Charles Lindbergh,Hupmobile,Biplane,Banks -
FDR Elected
New Deal/Public Works Project
The New Deal Job Corps,Prohibition ends,Happy Days are Here Again -
The Phantom Breakman
FDR,Nehi Soda,Shirley Temple -
Dust Bowl
People headed to California -
Things with Wings
John Dillenger,Day Old Bread, Dracula Movie,Hudson Motor Company Terraplane -
Centenial Summer
Victrola,Big Bands,Ballroom Dancing -
FDR Reelected to 2nd term
USA enters WWII/Great Depression ends
Pearl Harbor bommbed,Men/Women have jobs -
The Troop Train
WWII,Troop Train,Telegram -
War Ends,Allies Win,Troops came home,Baby Boom of 50s Begins