Period: to
A Long Way from Chicago
World War l ended
Roaring Twenties
1918-1929, peopleinvested in stooks, bought on credit, time of big bands, prohibition, gangsters (Al Capone) -
Shotgun Cheatham's Last Night Above Ground
Jesse James Al Capone Bugs Moran, Home made beer, Valentine's Days Massacre, hupmoblie, tramp -
Stock Maket Crashes/Great Depression begins
Black Tuesday, Valentine's day Massacre (Gangsters) -
Economy slows
"The Great Depression", Banks failed, People lost jobs/homes bread lines, Hooverilles, Hoboes, Drought began in great plains, Golden age of radio -
The Mouse in the Milk
Milkman, Privy, Horsewagon, Hoover, Chalres LindBorg, Coolige, House wakes -
Freight Car Migrants
A One-Women Crime Wave
Bootlegging, Drifters/Hoboes -
The Day of Jugement
Branstomers, Charles Lindbergh, HupMobile, Biplane, Banks -
F.D.R Elected
New Deal/Public Works Project
Prohibtion ends, "Happy Days are Here Agian" -
The Phantom Brakeman
F.D.R, Nehi Soda, Sherliy Temple -
Dust Bowl
People headed to california for jobs -
Things with Wings
John Dilinger,Day
old bread, Dracliea Movie, Hudson Mortor Company -
Centennial Summer
Big Bands, Victrola, Ballroom dancing -
F.D.R relected to 2nd term
U.S.A Enters WWII/ Great Dapresion Ends
Pearl Harbor bombed, Men/Women have jobs -
The Troop Trian
WWII, Troop Trian, Telegram -
Allies win, Troop come home, Baby Groom of 50's Begins