A long walk to water

  • Salva leaves his village

    Salva leaves his village
    Salva heard loud gunfires and the teacher at the school he was learning at told him and his friends to run quickly into the bush abandoning his village and family."They will be going to the villages.Stay away from the villages-run into the bush." page 6
  • Old women in the forest

    Old women in the forest
    as Salva was walking through the forest, he found a old women sitting in the sunset near a barn.For 4 days Salva stayed witth the old women doing chores like fetching water and wood for in exchange for food like raw peanuts.After 4 days the women decided to leave."Between the pond and the barn was a house-and, yes, a women sitting in the sun." page 16
  • Salva and the group

    Salva and the group
    As Salva was walking with the old women through the forest they met a group of Dinka people and the Old women asked the group to let Salva travel with them and then the old women gave salva a bag of peanuts and a gourd for water as a farewell and then the old women went a different way than the group" a small group, fewer than a dozen" "The old women gave SAlva a bag of peanuts and a gourd for water." page 19
  • Salva met Marial

    Salva met Marial
    While Salva was in the walking in the group, he met someone around his age named "Marial" and as time flew by they became closer and became best friends. "Their eyes met. "I'm Salva." "I'm Marial." "It was good to make a friend." page 30
  • Salva meets uncle

    Salva meets uncle
    When Salva was in the group walking, he met a man that called out his name and as he was walking closer to the man he recognised the man's face which was his uncle and they had a happy reunion."Uncle!" he cried out, and ran into the man's arms." page 34
  • Salva arrive at the fishing island in the Nile

    Salva arrive at the fishing island in the Nile
    Salva and his uncle and their group had ro cross the nile to go to the Akobo desert so they decided to rest at the fishing village first before going across the nile."Finally, the boats pulled up to an island in the middle of the river.This was where the fishermen of the Nile lived and worked." page 47
  • Crossing the Akobo desert

    Crossing the Akobo desert
    After visiting the fishing village and getting water, Salva had to cross the Akobo desert (where his uncle would be killed) to reach the refuggee camp in Eithiopia which will take three days. "Ahead lay the most difficult part of the journey; the Akobo desert." page 50
  • Uncle dies

    Uncle dies
    As the group was walking through the desert, 3 nuer men came and told everyone to sit down and put your hands on your head and as uncle did that the nuer took his gun, tied him up to a tree and shot him and ran away."three shots rang out.Then the men ran away." page 63
  • Salva arrives at the camp

    Salva arrives at the camp
    After walking through the Akobo desert and losing uncle, Salva finally makes it to the refuggee camp which he will stay at for 6 years."Salva had never before seen so many people in one place at the same time.How could there be this much people in the world?" page 65
  • Salva is droven out of the refuggee camp

    Salva is droven out of the refuggee camp
    After six years, the ethiopian soldiers drove Salva and his fellow refuggees out of the camp where they now have to live on their own and try their best to survive."They are going to close the camp.Everyone will have to leave." page 70
  • Nya moves to a lake with water

    Nya moves to a lake with water
    The old pond at Nya's old village has dried and there is no water left to drink until it rains so then Nya has to go to a lake with more water so that she and her family won't die of thirst. "There was a big lake three days' walk from Nya's village.Every year when the rains stopped and the pond near the village dried up, Nya's family moved from their home to a camp near the big lake." page 26
  • Nya arrives at the big lake

    Nya arrives at the big lake
    Nya and her family arrives at the big lake but they don't have a home so they have to make a "makeshift" home and had to stay there for months."Nya's family had been coming to the lake for generations;Nya herself had been there every year since she was born." page 33
  • Nya's sister is sick

    Nya's sister is sick
    Nya's sister got sick from drinking unfiltered water and Nya is very worried about her and Nya and her mother had to walk and send akeer to the clinic."So Nya and her mother and had taken Akeer to the special place- a big white tent full of people who were sick or hurt , with doctors and nurses to help them." page 45
  • Nya comes back to her village

    Nya comes back to her village
    Nya comes back to her village after staying at the big lake and now there are visitors."Nya's family had been back in the village for several months the day the visitors came;" page 51
  • Nya does work

    Nya does work
    Nya does work like collecting rocks near the pond so that the other people can make the rocks into gravel."They collected piles of rocks and stones and tied them up into bundles using sturdy cloth." page 64