Describe your family and educational background, be specific.
I am a single mother of one son, Jacob. He’s nine years old and in the third grade. I come from a divorced home and was raised by my mother. I have one older sister. I went to a magnet elementary school and a Career Academy for high school. I went to a few different colleges trying to find a good “fit” for me. -
What kind of educational experiences were meaningful to you.
When I was in elementary school my 3rd grade teacher really pushed reading. I joined a literary club and was reading and testing at the 8th grade level. I won a lot of oratory and essay contests throughout elementary and high school. In college, my professors and peers pushed me to publish some of my poetry. I was published in a poetry book in 1999. -
What is your current occupation?
Director of Education at Bethel New Life Inc. -
Would you start over or use the same career?
I would start over. I believe I would be more fit for a job in Social Work. I’d also focus on writing and publishing. -
Do you believe your occupation makes a contribution to your community?
Yes, working for a non profit, I am able to work with a variety of families throughout the west side of Chicago. -
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A Life Changing Person
Did school fail to prepare you adequately?
I wouldn’t necessarily say fail. However, life skills and social emotional skills are equally important as academics. -
Did your education make a difference?
Of course! Education is extremely important. I wouldn’t have gotten this interview without my degree -
What are the hardest things you faced in life?
The hardest things I’ve faced are the death of my mother and being a single -
What do you think it means to be a successful person?
Being successful in my opinion, is positively affecting or leaving a lasting impression on the lives of the people you come in contact with. If you have multiple degrees, financially comfortable, or even famous, if the people you’ve met, worked with, served can’t say anything good about you or even remember you, then, you haven’t be successful at all. -
Tell me your biggest accomplishments or to describe important events in your life.
Most people would probably state graduations, however, my biggest accomplishment would be the relationships I’ve built with a lot of the students whom I’ve worked with. A lot of them trust me and look up to me. I am humbled by their willingness to consider me a mentor or friend. -
What major goals have you accomplished?
I was promoted to a high position within my company based on results alone. I am degreed. And I have a great relationship with my son. -
What is the most important thing you would tell a young person?
Focus on yourself! True friends will always be there, relationships will begin and end, and well, parties are always going on. Find out who you are by taking advantage of opportunities and experiences that take you out of your neighborhood, city, state, and comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.If you don’t fall you’ll never know how to get back up. Everyone makes mistakes so learn from them. Finally, relax, don’t be so “over dramatic” or uptight all the time.Life should be enjoyed -
Describe how well did school prepare you to meet current challenges of society?
My elementary school pushed academic excellence, my high school pushed higher education, my college(s) promoted graduation. But none really had many opportunities for real life experiences like balancing a check book, investing, saving money, nutrition, etc. It’s the small everyday things that can ruin you in adulthood. -
What were your most helpful learning experiences, whether in school or elsewhere?
It was once I was on my own. Which was a little too late to just start learning, but, being right in the middle of life helped me the most. Critical thinking and problem solving skills were sharpened the most at this time in my life. -
What do you still hope to achieve in your lifetime?
I’d like to earn another degree, purchase some real estate, travel the world, start a non profit organization for young mothers, and open a development center for infants with my sister. -
What goals are you working on at the moment?
I am focusing on my son’s educational path right now. He is in 3rd grade and needs a lot of encouragement, support, and my time. I’m also, traveling more and offering him experiences to choose his own hobbies and see and experience different places and cultures. -
Have any failures in your life helped you? If so, how?
Not sure if this is a failure, but, my sophomore year in college my mother passed away from cancer. I had no financial support and really no “real world” experience. I had to mature quickly, and while my other friends were going home on weekends and breaks, I was studying and working to support myself. It helped me learn to balance my money and my time, and prioritize. I knew I had to learn to depend on me so letting myself down wasn’t an option.