A History of School Lunch Programs in Europe and the United States

  • Munich, Germany

    Combined program of teaching and feeding needy children by Count Rumford
  • France

    School law containing was passed with a clause establishing sharing of extra National Guard funds for medical inspection, school lunches, vacation schools, etc.
  • Hamburg, Germany

    The Philanthropic School Society provided textbooks, clothing, and food to needy children
  • France

    School canteens are set up to provide meals to children with parents on the Poor Board list
  • Dresden, Germany

    The “Society for Feeding Needy School Children” was founded
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    The Starr Center Association served penny lunches in schools
  • Holland

    Legislation was passed to provide food and clothing to needy schoolchildren
  • Switzerland

    Municipalities are obligated to provide food and clothing to needy children
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin: the Women’s School Alliance of Wisconsin served lunches to children’s centers with the greatest need
  • England

    The Education (Provision of Meals) Act was passed
  • Switzerland

    State funds were authorized to be used for food and clothing for needy children
  • New York, New York

    Dr. Maxwell made a plea to the Board of Education to allow students to obtain wholesome, low cost food, which led to the creation of a school lunch committee and a trial lunch program
  • St. Louis, Missouri

    Lunch services were provided to poorly nourished elementary school children
  • Los Angeles, California

    A lunch program is provided for schools with high percentages of undernourished children