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A day without electricity

  • Then, go downstairs to eat some breakfast. A good option would probably be cereal will no milk since the fridge wouldn’t be producing cool air.

    Then, go downstairs to eat some breakfast. A good option would probably be cereal will no milk since the fridge wouldn’t be producing cool air.
  • First, waking up in The morning to brush your teeth. This will most definitely be difficult without water however very obtainable still.

  • Next, would be a shower normally however I could either have a bucket from the previous night of rain water to use to shower or just a dry rag and some soap/ or wipes.

    Next, would be a shower normally however I could either have a bucket from the previous night of rain water to use to shower or just a dry rag and some soap/ or wipes.
  • Next thing you know you are headed to the store when your Tesla model X breaks down in the Walmart parking lot while you were looking for treats for your new kitten you will be getting.

    Your car no longer an be powered since you have an electric car
  • After, you have walked home you realize you now are very cold a day with no heat has been a struggle. You try to plug in a heater however you realize still no electricity. The best option is now to bundle up in hoodies, warm socks, and some sweatpants.

  • Now, to go to work this will be a little different then normal no shower before Work which means I won’t be able to wash my hair. However getting dressed should go pretty easy I won’t need any electricity considering it’s still light outside.

    Now, to go to work this will be a little different then normal no shower before Work which means I won’t be able to wash my hair. However getting dressed should go pretty easy I won’t need any electricity considering it’s still light outside.
  • Tonight will be more of a boring night considering I won’t be able to watch any television or charge my phone. It will be a dark night of just laying in bed and playing with my dog. For dinner I decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

    I decided to go with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because my cheese and meat have gone bad with no electricity today.
  • After, a long time at work it’s time to walk back home my phone isn’t the most charged so I will need to walk home in the dark to save my phones battery. When I get home I have exceptions of making some dinner.

    After, a long time at work it’s time to walk back home my phone isn’t the most charged so I will need to walk home in the dark to save my phones battery. When I get home I have exceptions of making some dinner.
  • Period: to

    24 hours electricity free