Grandma Rosa is Born
Grandma Rosa was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Her birthdate is 11/12/50. She is my grandma on my dad's side and she currently lives in Illinois as nanny. She visits often and is very sweet and nice. -
The Vietnam War Begins
In November 1955 the Vietnam war officially begins, although there was influence from the united states before the war, Americans didn't see combat in Vietnam until 1955. the sole and simple reason for the war was because the United States of America had a goal to stop communism from spreading wherever it was. -
Mexico's President is Elected
Mexican politician Alfonso Lopez Mateos -
Muhammad Ali Draft Dodging
On April 28, 1967 Muhammad Ali was called in to serve in the Vietnam war but he refused because his thought and opinions of the Vietnam war opposed the other views of the people. He was arrested and put in jail for draft dodging. -
Grandma Rosa Turns 18, a Legal Adult
1968 was the year that may grandma, and my father's mother turned 18 on her birthday on November 12th i personally don't know what it's like to be 18 years old but i also don't know what it's like to be an 18 year old in the late 1960's. -
My Dad is Born
In June 15, 1972 my grandmother conceived mt father whom she named Guillermo Manuel Gomez-Pecina who would bee known as Gomez-Pecina Sr. after I would be born. My grandma had other children before my dad but i don't really know any of them because they kind of were manipulative of my fathers generosity to them so he realized what they were doing so he separated from them nearly completely. -
Vietnam War Officially Ends
1975 was the year the Vietnam war ended some say it wasn't a just war, others say that it was a right and just war (based on specific criteria made for determining whether or not a war was just) but most of the time it's really purely opinion. -
Start of Eighth Grade for Rosa's Son
At this date my dad was my age when he started his last year of middle school, eighth grade, I can actually relate to this because I am in eighth grade also so right now I think that I know the pressures that he might've gone through in school. -
The World Wide Web is Released to the Public
In early August of 1991 english engineer and computer scientist who invented and developed the World Wide Web released his creation into the public for them to use freely. -
The Official Demolition of the Berlin Wall Begins
in 1991 the Berlin wall was officially ordered to be demolished to unify east and west Germany. the west Berliners wanted especially for the wall to come down because the west side of Germany was a communist country ruled by the soviet union.