First Internet browser - WorldWideWeb - is invented
The world's first Internet browser, WorldWideWeb (no spaces) was released. It was used to browse the world's first website, CERN, which is still around today. Check it out! http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html -
Mosaic is released
Mosaic, the world first "popular" web browser is released. It allowed for pictures and improved navigation. -
Netscape Introduced
Netscape had 90% of the browser market share by the mid-1990s. It is now owned by AOL, and no longer a supported browser. -
Internet Explorer Released
--Internet Explorer had 95% of the browser market share between 2002 and 2003. --Internet Explorer remained the most widely-used web broser from 1998 - 2012. It is still one of the most popular browsers both worldwide and in the US. -
Firefox Released
--Firefox popularized the usage of browser tabs. --Firefox is currently the 3rd most popular web browser world-wide. -
Google Chrome Released
--First browser to feature a built-in PDF viewer and Flash player (2010).
--Featured the first integrated search and address bar.
--Passed Internet Explorer in June 2012 as the world's most-used Internet browser.