The First San Diego Comic Con
The first Comic Con originally know as the "Golden State Comic Con," was created by comic superfans Shel Dorf, Ken Krueger, and Richard Alf. The event was held in the basement of the U.S Grant hotel. The special guests included author Ray Bradbury and comic creator Jack Kirby. It had 300 attendees. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-comic-con-san-diego-timeline-htmlstory.html -
Comic Con gets a New Home
The new San Diego Convention Center opened and has now been the home for Comic-Con for over two decades. https://www.comic-con.org/about -
From Golden State Comic Con to Comic Con International
The show officially changes its name to Comic-Con International: San Diego (CCI).
1000 attendees https://www.comic-con.org/about -
Official Logo
Richard Burnings creates the iconic "eye" logo, which is still used to this day https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/entertainment/brief-timeline-san-diego-comic-con -
Comic-Con International Presents WonderCon Anaheim
Comic-Con took over Wondercon in 2002 and moved it from Oakland to downtown San Francisco in 2003. After 15 years as a Bay Area event, WonderCon moved to Anaheim in 2012, due to construction. Since 2012, the event—now called Comic-Con International Presents WonderCon Anaheim—has been held in southern California, at the Anaheim Convention Center. WonderCon is the sister show to Comic-Con, embracing all the main aspects of SDCC just in Los Angeles. https://www.comic-con.org/about -
Comic-Con: Episode IV - A Fans Hope
Morgan Spurlock created a documentary that went behind-the-scenes of Comic-Con, where it started, to where it is now, the largest Comic Convention in the world. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1605782/ -
Attendance hits an all-time high with previews of films like Star Wars Episode VII, and Batman Vs. Superman
Attendees: 167,000 https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/entertainment/brief-timeline-san-diego-comic-con -
A Good Ticket is Hard to Find
Tickets for this year's Comic-Con sell out in one hour. https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/entertainment/brief-timeline-san-diego-comic-con -
Comic-Con Turns 50
More than 130,000 people attended a far cry from the 300 people who gathered in the basement of San Diego's U.S. Grant Hotel in the summer of 1970 https://www.npr.org/2019/07/19/743341846/san-diego-comic-con-is-turning-50-heres-its-origin-story -
COVID and Comic Con
Due to the Coronavirus, Comic-Con was cancelled for the first time in 50 years https://www.lamag.com/culturefiles/comic-con-canceled/ -
Comic-Con Museum
Slated to open in 2021, Comic-Con is planning to open a museum at Balboa Park, San Diego, where fans can experience the magic of Comic-Con year-round. https://www.comic-con.org/museum