By Efe
  • Aug 3, 1440

    Gutenberg's Printing Press

    Gutenberg's Printing Press
    Printing In about 1440,a German goldsmith, Johannes Gutenberg, developed a movable type of printing. He made separate pieces of metal type for each character to be printed. With a movable type of printing, a printer could quickly make many copies of a book. The same pieces of type were used again and again to create different types of books
  • Defining Knowledge

    Defining Knowledge
    KnowledgeIn John Locke's book An Essay: Concerning Human Understanding, he defined knowledge as the perception of the agreement or disagreement of two ideas
  • Knowledge Industry

    Knowledge Industry
    knowledge industryFritz Machlup (1902-1983) defines knowledge as a commodity and attempts to measure the magnitude of the production and distribution of this commodity within a modern economy. He divided the use of information into three types: instrumental, intellectual, and pastime knowledge.
  • Technologically Determinist

    DeterministMarshall McLuhan (1911-1980) was viewed as a Technologically Determinist that is, he viewed technology shaping us rather than viewing people dictating how the technology will be used.
  • Tacit Knowledge

    Tacit KnowledgeMichael Polanyi (1891-1976), was a physical chemist. He was one of the most novel philosophers of sciences in the 20th century. He wrote that tacit knowledge normally cannot be spoken, but rather demonstrated and imitated.
  • The Knowledge Worker

    Knowledge WorkerPeter Drucker argues that knowledge has become the central, the knowledge workers are the largest working group. he wrote every knowledge worker in modern organization is an "executive" if by his knowledge, he is responsible for the contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to perform and obtain results in his book The Effective Executive.
  • The Information Age

    Information AgeDaniel Bell is a famous sociologist, in his book The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, he wrote about the concept of Information age. He also wrote that we need to learn how to predict the future, rather than to seeing it in order to raise the number of possibilities so as to the directions in which society should be changing.
  • The Third Wave

    The Third Wave
    Information SocietyAlvin Toffler published The Third Wave (1980), to follow in the new culture based on information. The industrial society brought huge companies and military organizations that needed to track everything about them.
  • John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene - Information Society

    John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburdene - Information Society
    Information SocietyIn their book Megatrends (1982), Naisbitt and Aburdene reported that the public is shifting from an Industrial Society to an Information Society. 'We are drowning in information and starved for knowledge.' - Megatrends. The various networks that transform and increase public access to goods, services, data, on a global scale is known as the Internet.
  • HyperCard - Dynamic Programming

    HyperCard - Dynamic Programming
    ProgrammingThe first Hypertext which was introduced to the public was by Apple computer with their Hypercard application in 1987 that is designed to run on the Macintosh (Mac) computer by Bill Atkinson. Information is stored in a series of “cards,” arranged into “stacks. HyperCard has had a huge impact on the Internet as it inspired the creation of both HTTP and JavaScript.
  • The Internet - Network

    The Internet - Network
    The InternetBeing online allows one to gather a lot of information, but might vary in nature. The beginnings of the Internet grew out of an experiment, which begun in the 1960's by the U.S. Department of Defense. They created a computer network, called ARPANET, that would continue to function in the event of a disaster. In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, wrote the first email program and in 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created NSFNET, a series of networks for research and education communication.
  • Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger - Community of Practice

    Community of PracticeJean Lave and Etienne Wenger pioneer the concept of a Community of Practice (CoP) in their book, Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. (1991). A CoP involves organizing around some particular area of knowledge that gives members a sense of joint enterprise and identity.
  • Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk - The Knowledge Spiral

    Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuk - The Knowledge Spiral
    The Knowledge SpiralTheir spiral process theory of knowledge creation is based upon a spiral movement between explicit and tacit knowledge. They theorized that the creation of knowledge is the result of a continuous cycle of four integrated processes: externalization, internalization, combination, and socialization.
  • Karl-Erik Sveiby - Intellectual Capital

    Intellectual Capital Sveiby works at a Swedish insurance company Skandia that develops the Navigator, a reporting concept that considers a number of indicators that attempts to compare a company's book value with its market value. The difference between both is said to be the dollar value of the firm's “intellectual capital.”
  • Don Tapscott - Twelve Themes of the New Economy

    Don Tapscott The twelve themes of the new economy of Don Tapscott are Knowledge, Digital, Virtual, Molecularization, Internetworking Disintermediation, Convergence, Innovation, Prosumption, Immediacy, Globalization and Discordance.
  • Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity

    Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak - Velocity and Viscosity
    Velocity and ViscosityVelocity is the speed with which knowledge moves through an organization and Viscosity is the richness or thickness of the knowledge that is being transferred.
  • The Five Themes of Knowledge Management Framework

    The Five Themes of Knowledge Management Framework
    Knowledge History GraphThe Five Themes of Knowledge Management Framework are The Knowledge Industry is Born - 1960s, Information Age - 1973, The Third Wave - 1980, Information Society - 1962 and Twelve Themes of the New Economy