A boost in technology 1980-1990

  • IBM 5150

    IBM 5150
    Philip Don Estridge was the original leader to the IMB computer which is a personal computer. This was huge because it started the first computer people could use at home. This was also a start for other company's to come and try to replica and try to create something better.
  • CD player

    CD player
    The Sony CD player was the first compact disc player for people to use . This made a difference because now people had somewhere to listed to music on the go not just in their cars or homes.
  • Apple Lisa

    Apple Lisa
    This was a personal computer by Apple was founded by Steve Jobs , Lisa stands for ,Local Integrated Software Architecture. It started something huge because this is something we use in our every day lives now and the models of computers have only gotten bigger.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Started by a man named Gunpei Yokoi. The Nintendo was a gaming system you could play super Mario bros and The legend of Zelda , they believed that this gaming system would switch peoples attention from other electronic devices.
  • Disposable Camera

    Disposable Camera
    The disposable camera was a camera with 24 pictures people could take and later on expose. This was the start of pictures on the go and capturing memories with the snap of a picture they can have forever. Kodak was founded by George Eastman and Henry A Strong .