a. 1960 tech

  • Pocket Television

    Pocket Television
    a. 1960
    b. Pocket Television
    c. Sony Corporation
    d. It is smaller so we can easily access Television wherever it goes with
  • Period: to

    LED, LCD

    a. 1961-1964
    b. LED, LCD
    c. LCD: Robert Biard and Gary Pittman
    LED: James Fergason
    d. It gave us brightness to be more effectual for the need of light
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    a. 1964
    b. Computer Mouse
    c. Bill English
    d. It made easier for humans to control computers.
  • Internet

    a. 1969
    b. Internet
    c. U.S. Department
    d. It made us develop faster, easier, and safer
  • Portable Calculator

    Portable Calculator
    a. 1970
    b. Portable Calculator
    c. Nippon Calculating Machine Corporation and Hayakawa Electric
    d. It calculates complicated questions faster than solving out.