9D ELA Timeline planner

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    Getting moved to a new school.

    My elementary school was Annunciation in Meadowlark (2013 2017), then I got moved to Sister Annata Brockman (2017 to 2021). It isn’t exactly often that a student would move schools. Rating: +3
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    Began to study more.

    In the past I was always paranoid of having bad grades in any subject regardless of what we were doing. Because of that, I chose to study up on subjects I struggled with more often. Rating: +5
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    Getting my first video game console

    Back in christmas 2013, my parents got me an xbox 360 E console as my christmas present. Unlike the base packages of the console, this version I got had a copy of halo 4 and a download card of tomb raider as well. +5
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    Getting interested in my favourite series/show

    Around 2014 to 2015, one of my friends at my old school showed me a web tv series parodied off the “Halo” game series called “Red VS Blue”. What got me into the series was the very nicely done balance between exposition and action. (The quotation marks are meant to have the names of the series stand out). Rating: +4
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    Finding my favourite band

    Around late 3rd grade to early 4th grade (2014 to 2016), I played a game on my xbox 360 called “Midnight club LA complete edition” and heard a song called “Mathletics” by “Foals”. Of the songs in the soundtrack, it was my 2nd favourite one and I eventually grew to love the band after my dad showed me more of their songs. So far I have never gone to their concerts since they are mostly in Europe, but I really want to physically go to one before they disband some day. Rating: +4
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    Going to the University Of Alberta (Edmonton)

    When I was in 4th grade (2016 to 2017), I went on a field trip for a whole school week to the University Of Alberta and had lots of experiences there. Rating: +2
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    Going into 7th grade/Jr. High.

    In 2019 I became a middle schooler/Jr. High student. I admit that I felt really nervous because of having to adjust to a new schedule. But nowadays I kinda have a good idea of it. Rating: -1
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    Being affected by the pandemic

    When covid 19 hit in late 2019, it closed down my school at around march or april 2020. Since my contact with most of my friends was from physically seeing them in class, I got isolated from them and overall felt really lonely. Rating: -4
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    Seeing my interests change

    This happened around late 2020 to early/mid 2021. I was known to be a more indoors kind of person who liked to watch their favourite shows or hang out with friends. Now I noticed that I have less enjoyment in watching those shows, I’m more into gaming on my xbox and studying on subjects I'm not the absolute best in. Rating: 0
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    Seeing my first good score in 9th grade.

    Normally this isn’t something to boast about or talk about at all, but I feel like my skills in that subject have improved more because of comparing it to past experience with that same subject. I admit to struggling with it, but I guess I somehow find a way to keep going most of the time. Rating: +4
  • 9D ELA Timeline Project

    This is an assignment which requires me to list the top 10 event that happened in my life so far. So, the next additions to this Timeline will be said events.