9D ELA Timeline

  • Birth of Erellah

    Birth of Erellah
    The day I was born into this world, on December 31 2007 around 9:00 pm. So, close to the start of a new year.
  • The First day of school

    The First day of school
    Excited, but anxious. It’s was my first time leaving my parents and sibling behind for half a day. Not to mention, the flooding homework I would have.
  • Lifelong friends I made

    Lifelong friends I made
    Surprisingly, It turned out better than I thought. I made friends throughout my elementary, and still to this day I would talk with them.
  • A trip to the Lost City of Angels

    A trip to the Lost City of Angels
    A trip to what's known as the Lost City of Angels. Otherwise known as Los Angeles. The world was so much bigger out there, with different people, cultures, and buildings.
  • Graduated from elementary school.

    Graduated from elementary school.
    Ending my first chapter in life, completing elementary school. Of course, it was not easy, but I’m happy I made precious moments during my time there.
  • A start of a new chapter, entering Junior High

    A start of a new chapter, entering Junior High
    A start of a new chapter, entering Junior High
    The start of a new chapter. New school and new friends to meet. I had the time of my life in grade 7, not a worry in the world, and amazing friends. Who knew this would all be taken away from me in a flash?
  • Last day before the world went into chaos

    Last day before the world went into chaos
    “2 weeks off school.” It was March and we had gotten that notice from the school. Of course, I was happy, I had barely any assignments, and I could relax. How naive I was, thinking that COVID was not a big deal.
  • Spreading of COVID-19

    Spreading of COVID-19
    Protocols and restrictions. Mask wearing, shortage of food. It was all a mess, I didn’t know that the rest of my grade 7 would be taken away from me. Much less, the world panics.
  • Stress = Sleepless nights

    Stress = Sleepless nights
    Grade 8 online school. The hardest time of my life. Missing my friends and many sleepless nights. I changed a lot, always stressing and having higher anxiety.
  • 2nd year of Online Schooling

    2nd year of Online Schooling
    When I thought I would be back into grade 9, another problem comes up which means I have to stay Online. As much as I hate it, as long it keeps my personal problems falling into pieces.