Apr 21, 1275
Moros y Cristianos
This holiday is celebrated to honor the Battle of Alcoy which was a battle between the Christians and the Arabs, and it is celebrated in many cities in Spain. This festival lasts from April 21st through the 24th. The citizens of multiple different Hispanic cities celebrate this holiday by reenacting battles with 28 different armies that fight eachother. -
La Feria de abril
The Seville Spring Fair, or La Feria de abril, is held yearly in the town of Seville, Spain, and lasts 6 days. The fair usually begins two weeks after the Easter Holy Week. Many Spanish men and women dressed up in the traditional "traje corto" (short jacket, tight trousers and boots). It was originally organized as a livestock fair by José María Ybarra and Narciso Bonaplata. They then took their idea to Queen Isabel II who then agreed to the proposal and the next Monday, the fair was held. -
Casellers de Vilafranca
This is a cultural and sporting occasion where the active members build castells, or human towers in the city of Vilafranca del Penedès. The first time the act of making human towers happened on May 12th in the year 1800 at a ball in Vilafranca del Penedès. Oriol Rossell was inspired by this event, and then formed the group known today as Casellers de Vilafranca.