Moros y Cristianos
Moros y Cristianos is a strange celebration that is held in different cities along the Spanish coast. These celebrations represents the battles between the Arabs (Moors) and the Christians that gained control of Spain a long time ago. Pretend amies march to the sound of the band all day long. As the soldiers walk down the street, people from the side shout words of encouragement. Two days after the parade, the two armies begin to fight. The smoke from the guns fills the air. Happens on 22-24. -
La fería de abril
La feria de abril is a fair the normally takes place two weeks before Easter in the city of Seville. Every morning during the event, their is a parade in Seville. At miday bullfights take place. La feria de abril was created by José María Ybarra and Narciso Bonaplata in 1847. The fair was originally started as a livestock fair. -
Castellers de Vilafrenca
Castellers de Vilafrenca is a cultural and sporting event. The event is a competition between many groups to build large human pyrimids. There are around 400 actice tower building members. Sometimes the pyrimids are built succesfully sometimes they come crashing down. Taking the pyrimids down is just as dangerous as putting them up. Although it says that the holiday event takes place on the 14th of September, it can takes place as early as August 10th, and can take place as late as January 21st.