Chimpanzee thinking poster

Chimpanzee endangerment

By shifta
  • Period: to


  • Chimps become an endangered specie.

    Chimps become an endangered specie.
    Conservation status of animal becomes endangered
  • First chimp in space.

    First chimp in space.
    Holloman Aero Med (Ham)
  • Kidney transplants

    The first kidney transplants between humans and chimps ocurred even though the kidneys were rejected.
  • Heart Transplant

    Heart Transplant
    First attempt to transplant a chimp's heart to a human's body.
  • Jane Goodall Institute founded.

    Jane Goodall Institute founded.
    Goals were to:
    * Increase primate habitat conservation
    * Increase awareness of, support for, and training in issues related to our relationship with each other, the environment and other animals (leading to behavior change)
    * Expand non-invasive research programs on chimpanzees and other primates
    * Promote activities that ensure the well-being of chimpanzees, other primates and animal welfare activities in general
  • Jane Goodall hear's about the crisis.

    Jane Goodall hear's about the crisis.
    She then returns to Africa to attempt to conserve the endangered species.
  • Ebola outbreak

    Ebola outbreak
    During a few weeks in an Ivory Coast national park 25% of 43 members of a wild chimpanzee died.
  • AIDS!

    Scientists believe they've found the cause of AIDS...Chimps !
  • Less than 200,000 left!

    Scientist estimated that less than 200,000 chimps were left in the world and estimate that by the year 2050 they may become extinct.