Persian Gulf War
The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990-February 28, 1991). It was waged by UN authorized coalition force from 34 nations lead by the United States and the United Kingdom against Iraq. It began because Iraq invaded Kuwait. -
First charter school law
Minnesota introduces the first charter school law -
Smart board introduced
The smartboard was introduced into the classroom. -
Period: to
The Standards Movement
This movement embraces high uniform standards in teaching and learning. It calls for an increase in accountability. There is also a surge in technology and the emergence of the term the 21st century learner. -
George H. W. Bush in office
Inaugural address
The end of George H. W. Bush's presidential term. (1989-1993) -
Diane Ravitch: Assistant Secretary of Education
She was appointed Assistant Secretary of Education (1991-1993) under President George Bush and was later appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board (1997-2004) by President Clinton. -
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Gorbachev resigned as president of the USSR. He ceded all of his powers to the president of Russia. The Soviet flag was lowered for the last time over the Kremlin. -
Bosnian War
The Bosnian War started. The United States was involved through NATO. -
Los Angeles Riots
LA Riot footage
The riots began when Los Angeles white police officers were acquitted of beating a black motorist, Rodney King after a high speed pursuit. The riots lasted 6 days after the verdict. In all 53 people died and thousands more were injured. Damages cost the United States about 1 billion dollars. -
Jonathan Kozal: Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Kozol's book is a journey to minority schools across the nation. He believes that inner city schools are underfunded, underequipped and understaffed. He feels that this leads to a gross injustice for children from poor families. -
Nation's first charter school opens
City Academy High School opens in St. Paul, Minnesota. -
First online university
Jones International University
Jones International University becomes the first university to exist completely online. -
Bill Clinton takes office
Clinton Inauguration Speech
Bill Clinton is in office from 1993-1999. His presidency saw an emergence of a technology-driven "new economy". During his term inflation rates were low and unemployment dropped below 5%. -
First release of the Mosaic web browser.
The launch of the internet. The first release of the Mosaic Web browser. -
Whiteboards debut in schools
Whiteboards make their way into the classroom and begin to replace blackboards. -
Goals Act 2000
This is the predecessor to NCLB. It established a framework for academic standards, a way to measure student progress, and a way to provide students extra support if they cannot meet the standards. -
November Learning
November Learning
Alan November founded November Learning. The company provides customized staff development workshops, conferences, and resources to help educators use educational technology. He is a sought after educational consultant who has worked with educators as well as government officials. -
Proposition 187 passes
This proposition denies benefits, including public education to undocumented aliens in California. It was later over turned. -
Cleveland Ohio Pilot Project Scholarship Program
This gives students a voucher to attend a public, private, or religious school of their choice. -
Federal support of the Public Charter School Program
For the first time the federal government supports charter schools. -
Ruby Payne releases framework for understanding poverty.
Ruby Payne releases a framework for understanding poverty. It explains how upper, middle, and lower classes culturally view education based upon their poverty level. -
Oklahoma City Bombings
Oklahoma City Bombings Footage
A truck bomb was detonated by Timothy McVeigh outside the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. The bombings killed 168 people and injured over 600. The bombings were the deadliest acts of domestic terror in the United States. This lead to reforms in United States federal building security. -
Launch of Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer 1 made its debut. -
Larry Rosenstock
He was the director of New Urban High School Project from 1996-1997. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and is the founder of the original High Tech High School. His studies have brought to light numerous best practices such as personalization, adult-world immersions projects, and common intellectual missions. -
James Bank's book, Multicultural Education: Transformative Knowledge and Action, published
This book addresses the growing interest in multiculturalism in education. -
US missile attacks on Iraq
President Clinton resided over missile attacks on Iraq. Later this year he launched bomb attacks in response to Husseins's violation of several UN resolutions. -
Ebonics is proposed to be a native language
A school district in Oakland, California proposes that Ebonics be recognized as a native language of African American students. -
IDEA receives amendments
IDEA Regulations
The definition of disabled children grew to include developmentally delayed children from ages 3-9. It also provided parents a way to go about mediation. The amendments also authorized numerous grants. -
Kathie Nunley: The regular educator's guide to special education
Website Kathie Nunley released this book as well as many more to follow. She is a leading voice of differentiation of classroom instruction. She researches and consults on the process of utilizing the Layered Curriculum method of instruction. She also founded the website Brains.org. This provides educators with practical solutions to differentiating in the classroom. -
Higher Education Act is amended and reauthorized
Amendments to the Higher Education Act
The amended act requires institutions and states to produce "report cards" about teacher education. -
Proposition 227 passes
California voters pass this proposition. It requires all public school instruction be taught in English. -
Columbine Cafeteria Footage
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris opened fire at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado killing 15 and wounding 23. -
Opportunity Scholarships in Florida
This allows students of habitually failing public schools to receive vouchers. They have the right to choose higher performing schools. -
Santa Fe School District v. Doe
The US Supreme Court ruled that the district's policy allowing student-led prayer prior to football games violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. -
Diane Ravitch's book: Left Back: A century of Failed School Reforms
Her book criticizes progressive educational policies and argues for a more traditional, academically-oriented education. Her ideas are representative of the current conservative trend in education. -
George W. Bush takes office
He is in office from 2001-2009. -
Terrorist attacks
World Trade Center Footage
The September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. -
Anthrax attacks on the US
This was the start of a series of anthrax attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to the media and 2 democratic senators. -
North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) is launched
NAREA website
The goals of the organization are to promote rights of young children and provide information about the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. -
40 states permit charter schools
Maryland joins 39 other states in permitting charter schools. -
No Child Left behind
The act requires states to develop assessments in basic skills. These assessments are to be given to all students in certain grades. In order to receive federal funding the states must abide by the stipulations of NCLB. The goals of NCLB are to improve student learning, eliminate the achievement gap, and to assure that all teachers are "highly qualified". -
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
The US Supreme Court ruled that certain school voucher programs are constitutional and do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. -
The Higher Education Act is amended and reauthorized
The amended act expands access to higher education for low and middle income students. -
Iraq War (War on Terror)
Iraq was invaded. The UN security council did not approve the invasion so the US provided most of the forces for the invasion. -
North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) launched
NACOL website
This is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing K-12 online education. -
Google is offered to the public
Google is initially offered to the public. It was set up by co- founders Larry Page and Sergey Bin in 1998. -
IDEA was amended
These amendments aligned IDEA with NCLB. It revised the requirements for evaluating students with learning disabilities. -
Hurricane Katrina
Storm Surge Timeline
Katrina hit the Gulf Coast region killing 1800 and displacing thousands. Refineries and oil rigs were damaged, thus leading to a rise in US fuel prices. -
Eric Jensen: Teaching with the Brain in Mind
He has written numerous books that have linked brain based research to teaching in the classroom. -
Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
The US District Court of Pennsylvania ruled that teaching "intelligent design" as an alternative to evolution is a violation of the First Amendment. -
Thomas Hoerr: The Art of School Leadership
He is the principal of New City School in St. Louis. He is an expert on applying multiple intelligences in education. His expertise is also educational leadership. -
Meredith Honig: New Directions in Education Policy Management: Confronting Complexity
This book deals with complexity and understanding its implications. It serves as a guide to deal with policy management. -
Nancy Pelosi becomes the Speaker of the House
She becomes the first woman to hold that office. -
Virginia Tech Massacre
VA Tech massacre footage
This was the deadliest peacetime shooting in a single incident by a single gunman in US history. 32 people were killed and many others were wounded. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, killed himself after the massacre. -
Michelle Rhee
She is announced as the replacement for DC public school's chancellor. She agressively sought to reform a school system whose students historically produced below average test scores. She became known for her tough straight forward approach. She resigned October 13, 2010. -
Morse v. Frederick (Bong hits for Jesus)
This was a school speech case in which the US Supreme Court held that the First Amendment does not prevent educators from suppressing student speech, at a school-supervised event, that is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use. -
Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education
Case The US Supreme Court ruled that race cannot be a factor in assigning students to high schools. This rejected integration plans in school districts around the nation. -
Labor HHS Education appropriation bill is vetoed by president Bush
The House and the Senate passed this bill which reauthorized the No Child Left Behind Act. President Bush vetoed the bill because it exceeded his budget request. -
Marzano Research Library
Marzano Research Library
Robert Marzano impacts most of the current issues in education. He co-founded the Marzano Research Library in order to provide educational resources for teachers and principals, based upon the latest research and techniques. The goal of the library is to provide educators with proven practical applications that will increase student achievement. -
School shooting at Northern Illinois University
Graduate student Stephen P. Kazmierczak kills 5 and wounds 17 before he takes his own life. -
Paul Tough:Whatever it takes
This book describes Geoffery Canada's mission to reform Harlem City schools by starting with prenatal education and providing a Harlem Children's Zone. -
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Act Details
This was an economic stimulus package that was intended to create jobs and promote investment and consumer spending during the recession. The stimulus was worth $787 billion. It included tax incentives, expansion of unemployment benefits, domestic spending in education, health care, and infrastructure. -
The Horizon Report
The Horizon Report 2009
The first educational Horizon report was issued. It is a research oriented effort that seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies that will have an impact on K-12 education. The Horizon report is issued each year. -
The Common Core State Standards Initiative is launched
This is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. It is expected that many states will adopt them. -
HINI Global Pandemic
The World Health Organization declares a global pandemic. In October several schools in several states close due to large numbers of influenza cases. -
Race to the top initiative
Obama's speech about Race to the top
President Obama and Arnie Duncan start the race to the top initiative. The goal of this initiative is to provide a high-quality education to every student in America. The Race to the top states that this is vital to the health of the nation's democracy and economy. -
Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence (10th edition)
He published the 10th edition of his book. He acknowledges that the book has come a long way because now children worldwide are offered the chance to take social and emotional learning (SEL). Many states and districts make SEL a requirement to ensure that the students master the essential skills for living. -
The US faces massive deficits. 300,000 teachers face layoffs. -
Tony Wagner: The Global Achievement Gap: Why even our best schools don't teach the new survival skills our children need and what we can do about it
He published his book in 2010. He is actively involved in the educational reform movement. He serves as a senior advisor to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. -
BP Oil Sill
Underwater impact of the BP oil spill
An off shore rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana. Over the next 90 days thousands of barrels of oil leaked into the ocean every day, making this the largest oil spill in United States history -
Davis Guggenheim: Waiting for Superman
The movie is a personal exploration of the current state of public education in the US and how it is affecting our children. -
National Education Technology Plan
This presents 5 goals with recommendations for states, districts, and other stakeholders. Each goal addresses one of the 5 essential components of learning powered by technology. The components are learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure, and productivity. -
Dr. Julie Myers named 2010 Curriculum Leader of the Year
She was named curriculum leader of the year by the VA Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. -
The American Association on Mental Retardation became the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The AAMR joined the trend of moving toward the term intellectual disability in place of mental retardation when they changed their name to AAIDD.