
The American Witch Hunts

  • Salem girls go ill

    Salem girls go ill
    [Salem Witch Trials Timeline](http:/// Rev. Paris's daughter, Betty, and some of the other girls go sick or seem to act strange. Many people said that they were bewitced. Just the idea of it made the girls go even more crazy. Is this the idea that started it all?
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    The Salem Witch Trials

    This was a time when fear and hystaria ruled the people of Salem. Neighbors began to distrust each other and were afraid to support others in fear that they would be accused of witchcraft.
  • The first accusations of witchcraft

    The first accusations of witchcraft
    Salem Witch Trials Timeline Many of the Salem girls started accusing people of witchcraft. Tituba (Rev. Paris's slave form Barbadoes), Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were the first accused and were later arrested for this suspicion.
  • The Salem Magistrates are comin' to town

    When word got out of these accusations the Salem town Magistrates were ordered to come and examine the accused women. Later that day Tituba confessed and decided to testify against Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne.
  • Accusations of Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse

    Salem Witch Trials Timeline Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse were sent arrest warrents for the accusations of witchcraft.
  • The accusation of Elizabeth Proctor

    The accusation of Elizabeth Proctor
    The prosecution of Elizabeth Proctor Elizabeth Proctor was persecuted by Mary Lewis and Abigail Williams. They said that Elizabeth's spector, or spirit, was pinching them. Another peice of evidence that was added to Elizabeth's trial and porsecution was her grandmother's religion. She was a Quaker, and during that time Quaker's were thought to have witch like powers.
  • Mary Warren tells the truth

    Mary Warren tells the truth
    Mary Warren, the Proctor's servent, was an accuser but admitted of lying to the court about the accusations and spectoral visions. She is later tried for witchcraft because of her confession.
  • The arrests of the Witches

    The arrests of the Witches
    John and Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, Martha Corey and Dorcas Good were all arrested and sent to a Boston prison for witchcraft.
  • A reverse statement

    A reverse statement
    Chronology of Events Relating to the Salem Witchcraft Trials Mary Warren changes her statement about lieing to the court and rejoins the girls on the accusing side. The court accepts this and Mary is back to accusing more people. Goes to show how corrupt the court system really is.
  • A new governor comes to Salem

    A new governor comes to Salem
    Sir William Phipps, the newly appointed governor, comes to Salem. He takes over the the witch trials.
  • A new court system is established

    A new court system is established
    Governor Phipps commisions a new court called the court of Oyer and Terminer. He appoints judges John Hathorne, Nathaniel Saltonstall, Bartholomew Gedney, Peter Sergeant, Samuel Sewall, Wait Still Winthrop, and Lieutenant Governor William Stoughton.
  • The first to Hang!

    The first to Hang!
    Bridget Bishop was tried for witchcraft and was sentenced to die. She was hanged on Gallows Hill. Judge Nathaniel Saltonstall resigned and Corwin took his place.
  • A request for speed

    A man by the name of Cotton Mather writes a letter to the court requesting that spectral evidence should be limited and the trials should be speed up. The court takes the request for speedy trials but ignors the request for less spectral visions from the girls.
  • More deaths at Gallows Hill

    More deaths at Gallows Hill
    Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Sarah Wildes, Sarah Good and Elizabeth Howe werer tried and found guilty. They were hanged on Gallows Hill.
  • More lives are lost to the noose

    More lives are lost to the noose
    George Jacobs Sr., John Proctor, Martha Carrier, George Burroughs, and John Wilard and sentenced to hang for witchcraft. Elizabeth Proctor was found guilty but was not hanged because she was pregnant. it was illegal to hang women that were pregnant because it would be killing an innocent life.
  • No more spectoral evidence

    No more spectoral evidence
    Governor Phipps orders that spectorl evidence should no longer be used in trials for accused witches.
  • The arrests for witches are stopped

    The arrests for witches are stopped
    The governor prohibited further arrests and dissolved the Court.
  • A new court is established

    A new court is established
    The General Court establishes a Superior Court to try the remaing witches.
  • The accuses witches are free

    Many fo the witches that were accused and tried were set free because their cases were based on spectroal evidence.
  • A pardon form the Governor

    Governor Phipps pardons those from jail who were still under witchcraft charges.
  • The Salem Minister is replaced

    The Salem Minister is replaced
    Rev. Parris is ousted as the Salem Minister and is replaced by Joseph Green.
  • The end of the Salem Witch Hunt

    The end of the Salem Witch Hunt
    The General Court decalrs the trials of 1692 unlawful. They made a public apology to the people that were accused and to the famlies that lost their loved ones during that terrible time.
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    McCarthyism is a name for wide spread fear of communism in the United States during the 1950's.
  • The premier of Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible"

    The premier of Arthur Miller's play "The Crucible"
    Arthur Miller wrote a play based on the Salem Witch Trials. The play was an alagory to McCarthyism.