Evan's I Period Kyrgyzstan Project

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    Bands of Kyrgyz raiders began to invade China. this persisted through the 3rd century and into the 4th, helping to stimulate the construction of the Great Wall of China. The construction of the Great Wall of China affected trading with China.
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    Begining of the Hun empire

    Begining of the Hun empire
    The Huns began to establish empires throughout modern day Kyrgyzstan and all of central Asia. This was followed by several Turkic tribes.
  • Jan 1, 1223

    Mongols invade

    Mongols invade
    Genghis Khan begins to establish his Asian empire. After his death in 1227 his sons take over. The Mongols invade Kyrgyzstan and conquer the country in 1223. The Kyrgyz loose their independance and their form of writing.
  • Send emmissaries to the Russian Empire

    Send emmissaries to the Russian Empire
    In 1785 Kyrgyzstan sent emmissaries to the Russian Empire in hopes of gaining aid in their wars against the Uzbeks. This is the first step in building a relationship which leads to aiding the overthrow of the Uzbeks.
  • Conquered by the Uzbeks

    Conquered by the Uzbeks
    The first of four lost wars against the Uzbeks of Quqon started in 1845. These wars continued until 1873 however Kyrgyzstan did not gain independance from the Uzbeks until 1876.
  • Russian troops defeat the Uzbeks

    Russian troops defeat the Uzbeks
    In 1876 Russian troops defeated the Uzbeks who were in control of Kyrgyzstan since 1845. Within five years of this victory the entire country was integrated into the Russian Empire.
  • Kyrgyzstan joins the SSR

    Kyrgyzstan joins the SSR
    Present-day Kyrgyzstan was named the Kara-Kyghyz Autonomous Region and inducted into the Soviet Union in 1924. The name was changed to the Kygyz Autonomous region. Kygyzstan did not gain full status in the Soviet Union until 1936.
  • Askar Akaev becomes president of Kyrgyzstan's Supreme Soviet

    Askar Akaev becomes president of Kyrgyzstan's Supreme Soviet
    In 1990 an ethnic conflict erupted between the inhabitants of an Uzbek-majority area and Kyrgyz. This was blamed on the leader of the communist party and because of this 46 year-old Askar Arkaev was elected to the highest level of government.
  • Independence

    Kyrgyzstan was made an independant country by its supreme court. Askar Akaev ran unopposed and was elected as Kyrgyzstan's president.
  • Askar Akaev forced out of office

    Askar Akaev forced out of office
    Following protests surrounding Askar Akaev disbaring opposing candidates before the parlimentory elections and his unfairly influencing the election to ensure the appointment of his son and daughter to parliment, Askar Akaev was removed as Kyrgyzstan's president.
  • Islam is introduced

    Islam is introduced
    Islam is first brought to Kyrgyzstan. It continues to spread throughout the country until the 12th century. By the 19th century most of Kyrgyzstan's population had been converted to some form of Islamic practice. This image is the Koran, the center religious text of Islam.