
Holland History

  • Dutch Colonists

    Dutch Colonists
    The Dutch Colonists settled in Holland Township on this date. This is also when Dutch colonists made contact with the Lenni Lenape Indians.
  • English Colonists

    English Colonists
    This is when the English colonists settled in this area.
  • Purcells Ferry Established

    Purcells Ferry Established
    Used to get people from New jersey to Pensylvania and back. Made it easier to cross the Delaware River. They where vital to the fisheries, iron furnaces, lumber mills, flour mills, and other stores.
  • First Steam Train is Built

    First Steam Train is Built
    There were many reasons why steam trains gained popularity. The main reason, of course, was the speed, which was better than horses and wagons. Travel became faster and people could travel longer distances with ease. These railways where built through Holland on July 4, 1891.
  • Delaware Canal Completed

    Delaware Canal Completed
    Easier to transport goods such as coal. Since it was eisier to trnsport products many companies flourished. Barges where the most commmonly used boats on the canal. Finally it helped people get from place to place
  • Riegelsville Bridge Built

    Riegelsville Bridge Built
    The total cost of the bridge was thirty thousand dollars. This was meant easy trnsportaton across the Delaware. People could get cargo across the bridge that they could not across the ferry. From this the ferry buisness stopped.
  • Riegelsville Inn

    Riegelsville Inn
    This Inn was bulit by Benajamin Riegel. He built this out of stone and it was a place where people could come and relax. Most of the people that came here where poeple traveling to Bucks County.
  • Riegelsville Mill

    Riegelsville Mill
  • Warren Manufacturing Company

    Warren Manufacturing Company
  • Holland-Alexandria

    On this day, Holland Township and Alexandria Township were created as one township. Holland and Alexandria were seperate before this, but then became one "township".
  • Holland

    Holland and Alexandria were one township before this. However, on this day they split up into two seperate townships. Holland was finally recognized as a municipality of its own.
  • Riegelsville

    Riegelsville was a mill town from the 1880's to the 1990's. This town was founded my Benjamin Riegel. It was also named after him.
  • Hughesville Mill

    Hughesville Mill
    This was one of the mills John built.
  • Milford Mill

    Milford Mill
  • First Macadam roads build in Holland Township

    First Macadam roads build in Holland Township
    In 1910 a macadam road that ran from Frenchtown to Spring Mills was built. This was better because it was not as bumpy as the old wagon trails that where the original roads. The original roads where usually made by wagons and people made the paths by clearing trees, vines and bushes. Logs where laid over small streams to make bridges.
  • Milford

    On this date, Milford borough was officially registered. However, it was incorporated before in 1911, but not officially. Milford goes back to the mid 17th Century when a Grist Mill caught on fire. The borough was known as "Burnt Mills", then "Millford", and then over the years it lost one "l" and became "Milford" with one "l"
  • Riegel Ridge Opens

    Riegel Ridge Opens
    The ridge was a place where people could work that worked for the mills. The worker's families were also allowed to stay there.