I was born on this day
I was born in San Francisco, California -
Period: to
My Life
My family moves to Nicaragua, Central America
Earthquake in Managua, Nicaragua sends me back to California
Went back home to Managua, Nicaragua
Graduate from High School
"I'm officially an adult" I turn 18 years old!
Left home to Washington, DC to find my life!
Met the Man that would be my husband
Started Classes at University of Maryland
I became Mrs. Arcia
Graduated from College
Started my first professional job at American Security Bank
Left to Europe on 6-months backpacking trip
Got my MBA from George Washington University
Bought our first home!
Moved to Florida to work for Florida Power & Light
Moved to our second house in Jupiter, Florida
Had a first baby "Jessica"
Had our second baby "David
Had our last baby "Elizabeth
Became a math teacher at Jupiter Middle School
Jessie Graduates from High School
David is a Senior and Ellie is a Junior