Period: to
Activities for Kindergarten
Kindergarten Orientation
Today the Kindergartners will visit the school and meet their new teacher and classmates. They will listen to a story, make a craft and then take a bus ride! Moms and Dads will also learn about the school when they meet the principal, visit the nurse, and take a tour of the building. This is a fun day for everyone! -
School begins!
Today is the first day of school. Kindergarten childen will be met by their teacher as they arrive on the bus. Everyone has a fun first day! -
Fire Prevention Week!
Kindergarten is introduced to a variety of techniques to help keep them safe in a fire and how to prevent a fire from happening. The local fire company visits and brings their trucks, tools and equipment to the school. -
Turkey Feast
The Kindergarten children and their teacher will have a special turkey dinner together during their regular lunch period to enjoy the moment of being "thankful" for each other. -
Parents and teachers meet for conferences. Teachers and parents will view and discuss the work your child has created during the first three months of school. Any special concerns in your child's achievement should be discussed at this time. -
Parents are invited to a "Sing-A-Long" to celebrate the holiday season with their children. Everyone will decorate cookies and sip hot chocolate. A great way to say good-bye to the old year and hello to the new one! -
Report Cards
Kindergarten will receive their first official report card. After viewing their child's report card, parents should address any special concerns with their child's teacher by dropping them a note or calling the school for a conference. -
One Hundred Day Celebration!
Kindergarten will celebrate the "one-hundred" day of school by attending to games, relays, and counting activities in the gym. This fun learning event will take most of the morning. -
St. Patrick's Day
Whether you believe in Leprechauns or not, St. patrick's Day is fun for everyone with silly tales, a hunt for a Leprechaun and green colored milkshakes to boot. -
Spring Bunnies
The Easter bunny visits wilth eggs to be found. Everyone gets to hunt for eggs and snack on special treats. -
Mother's Day Tea
A special day for mothers or grandmothers to come and enjoy with their little one. The children and mothers have tea and cookies while they read stories and share some smiles. -
Father's Day Relay
Fathers or grandfathers are asked to come and enjoy the afternoon participating in a few relay races with their child. Shoe swap, wheel-barrow race and even a water ballon throw to mention a few of the activities. A fun time for all!