Oct 11, 1492
Columbus lands in tHe new world
Columbus lands in tHe New-world. He tHen claims tHe island He landed as "San Salvador" in tHe name of Spain and CHristianity -
Nov 29, 1497
Jamestown: THe first EnglisH Colony
JoHn Cabot was inspired by Columbus to explore. He sailed to "Asia" and named His bit of land Jamestown, present day Newfoundland. -
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes Conquers Mexico
Cortes Hears about tHe Aztecs and journeies to tHeir expansive empire. THe Aztecs greet Cortes and His group of 500 soldiers, mistaking Him for tHier god. As smallpox takes over tHe Aztecs killing many, Cortes conquers tHe area and names it Mexico. -
Jan 1, 1532
Pizzaro Attacks the Incas
Pizzaro led an attack on the Incas in present day Peru. Luckily smallpox had reachewd them already and their forces were weakened significantly. To save their leader the Incas filled rooms full of gold and silver for Pizzaro but he killed him anyway. -
Nov 29, 1534
Claiming New France
France sent Jacques Cartier to explore tHe Atlantic coastline of NortH America. WHile looking for NortHwest passage He instead found present day Canada and named it New France -
Settling Jamestown
Captain JoHn SmitH was a born leader. He took control of Jamestown. If people wouldn't work He would not let tHem eat. -
New Nederlands
Hudson discovered a deep rive full of fisH, and tHougHt it just migHt take Hm across tHe continent. I didn't but He claimed tHe land for tHe Nederlands anyway. -
The Missisipi River
Robert De La Salle explored the entire Misisipi River and claimed it for France.