By 1521960
  • Faith

    Faith: In 1998 Harry Potter was accepted by the Bloomsbury Express after being denied by several publishers. When the book series was wrote two years had passed. The first book ( Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)was turned into a movie in 2001.
  • Sara

    To begin with members of a terrorist group called Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda flew two planes into the World Trade Center in New-York on September 11, 2001. Al-Qaeda had already planned the attacks. At 8:46am the terrorist got the first plane into the North Tower at the World Plane Center another plane crashed into the South Tower 17 minutes after. Rescuers quickly rushed to the scene of the attacks many rescuers died as they searched for survivors.
  • 911

    they first hit the twin towers so now we have 9/11 every year. The year this terrible tragedy happened was 2001. Major depression was in the world. Nearly 3,000 people died. Four planes were stolen. One was going to hit the White House. Two planes hit the Twin Towers. One was going to hit the Pentagon. People were jumping out of the windows.People were very depressed and sad .
  • Bulled

    i was bulled from 2003 to 2014 i still get bulled thay sied go die then thay tolled me i called die not to speak because trhay would kill me i talked to mis jamerson and we seteled it
  • Alex

    In 2004 one year after I was born. Three people with the names of Mark Zuckerberg , Dustin Moskovitz , and Chris Hughes. These three fellows made a website called “Facebook”. I think it was made for people to talk to each other from far away because you can sign up for free. You can talk to people private you're also able to upload as many pictures as you want.
  • Ashley

    Ashley:The people of Sumatra were struck by a Tsunami in December of 2004.It was a Tsunami in the Indian Ocean.The earthquake that triggered the Tsunami struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra on December 26,2004,at 7:59am local time.The Tsunami killed at least 225,000 people across a dozen countries,with Indonesia,Sri lanka,India maldives,and Thailand sust aning massive damage.
  • Car reck

    Car reck
    my family got in a reck and we wrere in a rethe middil of the carrck whith a nnuther family thay whent rollind down the roude we got the baby out of the car the mom had glass in her face so she whent to the hospidel she called her boyfrind and he came and got the baby the was sleeping like a rock she was fine after her surgery
  • Car wreck

    Car wreck
    we wrere in ashvill we poled out and got hit then we got out and we wrere come and we nice to echer theirwhith the cops and or merior was brock so we had to get a new one and we seid if you dont get back in your car my mom will go grillo fide on you
  • Frist cats

    Frist cats
    frist tow cats we got we got was millow and serbrut the frist cat was subert he was organe second was millow he is gray one has green eyes and second was bloue eyes
  • My friend

    My friend
    me and my friend got on a bus and we got 7 friend then we whent home whith ecother