The WorldWideWeb is created
Created by Tim Berners-Lee, along with support from coworker Robert Cailliau, the browser had a server and URLs. -
Linux Kernel
Designed by a Finnish university student, Linus Torvalds. It became free software in Feb, 1992, and is still used today in phones and computers. -
Created by Brendan Eich, JavaScript is a scripting language that lets programs run on any system. Not to be confused with Java, the two are not the same. -
Known as the Digital Versatile Disc, or simply DVD, it's a disc that can contain a variety of data, like videos. It could hold more data than CDs, making them more popular -
Wi-Fi was invented in 1997, but was only released for home use in 1999. It provides wireless internet for a variety of devices, namely computers and laptops.