9 significant events

By Beik
  • Birth

    I was born on this day, which is obviously the most significant event in my lifetime.
  • Terrorist attack

    Terrorist attack
    Only a few months after I'm born, one of (if not the) biggest terrorist attack occurs in Manhattan, as 2 planes are hijacked and crashed into the world trade centre.
  • Grandmother passes away

    Grandmother passes away
    My grandmother on my mother's side passes away. Although I didn't understand it much at the time, it had a huge impact on my family.
  • Moving schools

    Moving schools
    I move to a new elementary school, leaving all my friends behind.
  • Death of the most notorious terrorist.

    Death of the most notorious terrorist.
    The us army had finally tracked down and killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of most terrorist attacks in the world, including the terrorist attack on 9/11.
  • Pet cat.

    Pet cat.
    I got my pet cat which I still have and love to this day.
  • World cup.

    World cup.
    The soccer world cup in Brasil has started, and viewers from all over the world, including myself, are watching. This is also my first ever world cup I've watched.
  • Death of Rob Ford.

    Death of Rob Ford.
    Rob Ford was the mayor of Toronto at the time, but unfortunately, he had passed away from abdominal tumors. This affected many people in Toronto.
  • Donald trump nominee for president.

    Donald trump nominee for president.
    A very controversial individual, Donald Trump, is a nominee for president. He has many supports, and many haters, and everyone has mixed opinions on his idea's to bring to america.
  • North Korea declares war

    North Korea declares war
    Kim jong un, the ruler of north korea, has declared war on the US as they have "crossed the line".