9 months pregnancy

  • first month

    The first month of pregnancy begins in the third week after your last menstrual period. During week three, the egg cell is fertilized by a sperm cell in the Fallopian tube.
  • Period: to

    second month

    Physical and emotional symptoms in the second month of pregnancy, may have your fist visit so medical care, and continue going at least once a month.
  • Period: to

    third month

    Might start to feel more tired that before, Blood sugar and blood pressure drop.
  • Period: to

    fourth months

    Some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy go away when you’re 4 months pregnant. Nausea usually lessens, but other digestive problems like heartburn and constipation may appear, breast changes in growth, soreness, and darkening of the aellola usually continue, and it's common to have shortness of breath or to breathe faster.
  • Period: to

    fifth month

    Have more fiscal symptoms, you may be able to see your baby moving and then kicking at the beginning of this month, by the end of the month, your baby will settle into a regular pattern of activity and sleep. Might notice that the baby is most active when you are trying to rest.
  • Period: to

    sixth month

    May get some of these symptoms: Heartburn, Backaches,
  • Period: to

    seventh month

    fat begins to be deposited on your baby. weighs two to four pounds. Your baby's hearing is fully developed and he or she changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light.
  • Period: to

    eighth month

    Your baby’s body is pretty much completely formed now, though the lungs and brain are still developing.
    Your baby continues to grow and gain fat. He is gaining about a pound a week. By the end of this month he will be up to 19 inches long and weigh about five or six pounds.
    Space is getting cramped and he is probably not moving around as much as he used to. By now, he has probably settled into the head-down position that he will stay in until birth.
  • Period: to

    ninth month (final)

    Common pregnancy symptoms at this time may continue through the end of pregnancy. These symptoms include fatigue, trouble sleeping, trouble holding urine, shortness of breath, varicose veins, and stretch marks.