9 months

  • week 4

    week 4
    cell is splitting into the embryo that is called fertization
  • week 5

    week 5
    the embryo doesnt look like much more than a tadpole and it alrady starting to form major oragnas
  • week 6

    week 6
    embryo is about .25 inches and will double the next week. in the 6 week you will have pregnancy sympothoms as exchausted, nausea, sore boobs and moodiness. when you are feeling nausea you will morning sickness but that is all through the day not just in the morning.
  • week 7

    week 7
    the embtyo is 5.1 and it has double seen the last week. You might go to see your first prental visit with your OB. The pregnancy syptoms for week 7 is nausea, food craving, Zits, extra saliva, emotional and the urge to pee. When you get the urge to pee it is because you dont look pregnant yet,
  • week 8

    week 8
    the baby is about a size of a kindey bean.
  • week 9

    week 9
    is about a 1 in long and starting to look more like a human.
  • week 10

    week 10
    you might starting to look like you are pregnacy and sypothoms for week 10 are tired and bigger belly and boobs and still kinda feeling bauseated and emotional
  • week 11

    week 11
    the futus is about 1.6 inches long. you might want to touch your stomach to feel calm seen your hononess are a little crazy still and you might feel nauseated. Some of the sypothoms for week 16 are gas abd mood swings.
  • week 12

    week 12
    the fetus is about 2.1 inches long . you might start to get headaches and dizziness and drop of blood sugar. you can hear the heart beat of the baby
  • week 13

    week 13
    the baby is about 2.8 inches long. The last week of the 1 trimestar
  • week 14

    week 14
    the baby is about 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces. you might have you energy back and feeling hungry.
  • week 15

    week 15
    the futus is measures 4 inches long. you might have high energy and high libro.
  • week 16

    week 16
  • Week 17

    Week 17
    the baby is about 5.1 inches long. the baby is working to get stronger and you might start to have wierd dreams. You will gain weight about 10 or more pounds.
  • week 18

    week 18
    the baby is about 5.6 inches long. The baby is practicing all kinds of moves. You might start to fall alsleep and feel tired. The baby might start to kick . you will have sollen feet and have leg cramps that is some of the pregnacy smptoms for week 18 .
  • week 19

    week 19
    he baby is 6 inches long . Some of the pregnancy smptoms for week 19 is aches and pain in the abdomen, feel dizziness and lighthead. You can tell the gender of the baby if it a girl or a boy.
  • week 20

    week 20
    the baby is 6.5 inches long and 10.2 ounces. Some of the smptoms for week 20 are you will have leg cramps and the baby startes to crowd in your digestive systems.
  • week 21

    week 21
    The baby is about 7 inches long
  • week 22

    week 22
    the baby is about 11 inches long and 1 pound.
  • week 23

    week 23
    the baby sense hearing is continues to improve.
  • week 24

    week 24
    the baby hair are white .
  • week 25

    week 25
    you feel stronger kicks and punches more. You might begin sleeping and walking.
  • week 26

    week 26
    the baby is more senstive to noise.
  • week 27

    week 27
    The baby is breathing more rapid.
  • week 28

    week 28
    the baby is about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long.
  • week 29

    week 29
    You need to start counting how many times the baby kicks in the morning and one at night. You might still grain weight.
  • week 30

    week 30
    Your belly is still increasing in size.
  • week 31

    week 31
    the baby is about about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds
  • week 32

    week 32
    The baby is abut 1.8kg and 38-45 cm long. the baby is getting ready for the big day and getting in position.
  • week 33

    week 33
    The baby weight is 1.8 kg and 38-46 cm long . The baby bones are continueing to harden.
  • week 34

    week 34
    Some of the baby can be born in already.
  • week 35

    week 35
    The baby is weight is 5 pounds
  • week 36

    week 36
    The baby is storing up the engery needed to give delivery.
  • week 37

    week 37
    You have 3 weeks left. The baby boys are heavier then baby girls.
  • week 38

    week 38
    The baby is a little more then 3 kg and 47-49 cm long. You wil gain weight more.
  • week 39

    week 39
    The baby is 18.9- 20.9 inches long and size of a watermelon. You might have false labor and water breaking
  • week 40

    week 40
    you gave birth to the baby . The averge of the baby is about 7 pounds.