
  • my mom was born

    my moms moms said that when my mom was born she was crying real bad and was looking all around because she did not know no one
  • in my moms stomack

    my mom said i would kick alll the time and never went to sleep and alway would want to eat
  • ailyah

    aliyah die in a car acident before i was born and was a great singer and always was nice thats what my mom said
  • 9/11

    it was a bad day when the terrost men attked america in new york city it was a sad day many people died that day but now osima bin latin is dead and he is the one that plannned it all to kill lots of people.
  • cousin B-DAY

    on my cosin b-day they got lots of toys and went to the park and had a good time and and I ate lots of food
  • Going to six grade

    it was a scary day but a fun day when i went to school all my teachers was nice but they all are on th first day but there still nice some of them
  • Got new shoes

    The day i got new shoes i was so happy because i got nice shoes and they look very nice they are some blue jordans
  • Went to brother house

    when i went to my god brother house i had fun and we went to the zoo and saw lots of animals
  • Autie house

    the day i went to my aunt was fun we played board games and also played 2k14 all night and then we went out side and played football the next day