9.1 French Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    The Philosophers came up with the idea of the enlightenment where people such as authors and poets started to realize that Kings and Priests were not necessary in a society. They came up with the idea that "people can rule themselves". The American Revolution was the first really action taken in the enlightenment this time period spread over 74 years. This huge event was important because it lasted so long and brought in a new form of thinking which effects us today still.
  • The Start Of The 7 Year War

    The Start Of The 7 Year War
    This was a war between the French and the British. The country of France tried to expand into the Ohio River Valley which caused conflict between them and the British starting a war which continued on for 7 years. This war was so long and was not exactly considered the French Revolution but it is very important because it was kind of the start of it all.
    - https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-1
  • Starvation Of The French

    Starvation Of The French
    The government did not have enough money to support the growing population and France was experiencing a huge growth in population and the winter of 1788 there was a huge spread of famine and there was not enough food to support the citizens so it resulted in starvation. This was a weak point in the French timeline and it added to the stress of the people causing another reason for a change in France adding to the overall motive of the revolution.
  • The French Government Does Not Have Much Money

    The French Government Does Not Have Much Money
    The King Louis XVI and the Queen Marie Antoinette were wealthy and lived in the rich Palace of Versailles, but the French government itself was very poor and was having trouble finding enough money to support their citizens. This was a weak point for France and the government was not able to provide for the people which lead to the revolt of the people.
  • The National Assembly Of France was Formed

    The National Assembly Of France was Formed
    This is the third estate and they were mad because they did not get enough representation and had to pay a majority of the taxes so they left the estates and created their own assembly with their own constitution. This left France in a bit of an economic crisis. This was a huge event and lead to the beginning of a whole new government, the main part of the French Revolution.
  • Convocation Of The Estates General

    Convocation Of The Estates General
    This was a meeting between the three estates of France. The Clergy, the Nobility, and then the third estate is everyone else this took up 98% of the population and they were responsible for most of the taxes. They got angry that they were being treated unfairly and paying most of the taxes. This third estate lost the argument and changed themselves into the National Assembly of France. This was a very major event for France the first step to independence and a change in government.
  • The Storming Of Bastille

    The Storming Of Bastille
    This took place in Paris, France and it involved the burning of Bastille which was a structure built in the 1300's meant to protect France during the 100 years war. This was marked as the start of the French revolution the act that sent the French over the top. This attack was meant to target the French government and the unfair division of the estates. This was what caused the most violence in the French Revolution it was the first harmful attack setting the stage for the rest.
  • Jacobin's Republic

    Jacobin's Republic
    Jacobin's were a group of people in the french revolution, a political club. They wanted to rid of the king and to make French a Republic ridding of its Monarchy. A state without a king or queen. They collected signatures in a park in Paris saying that there was no need for a king, and many citizens starting signing this petition scaring the government and causing an uproar among the people. This group of people were very important because they changed the form of government in France.
  • The Execution Of King Louis The XVI

    The Execution Of King Louis The XVI
    King Louis XVI attempted to flee the country of France because it was constantly under attack from other countries he was considered a traitor. Civilians raided the Kings palace and the government was not happy at all of this violence that the King was causing so both the king and queen were placed under arrest, and later when France was no longer a Monarchy, now a Republic the King was executed for treason. This was important because it was the step in a new direction for the French government.
  • Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Of The Citizen

    Declaration Of The Rights Of Man And Of The Citizen
    This was the third estate, now know as the National Assembly's form of the Declaration of Independence. It questioned: What is life, liberty the pursuit of happiness? This was there idea of the ideas needed to govern any country, these are the main ideas that they believed a country should be based off of. This was very important because it mapped out the beliefs of France and the future, and how it was to be run.