8th Grade D.C. Field Trip.

  • Arlington National Cemetary.

    Arlington National Cemetary.
    When we first arrive in Washington we will be visiting the Arlington National Cemetary. There, students will be educated about Arlington, they will get to learn about the people buried there and Arlingtons past. The tour will be on and off the buses so make sure your child is wearing comfortable shoes.
  • The International Spy Museum.

    The International Spy Museum.
    We will be visiting the International Spy Museum. Your child will get learn about spys and get to do interactive activites. They will be allowd to look around the museum and explore. We will be having dinner at the museum.
  • The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier(Arlington National Cemetary.)

    The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier(Arlington National Cemetary.)
  • Smithsonian Museums.

    Smithsonian Museums.
    We will be going to the Smithsonian Museums. They will be in groups with an adult chaperon, so they will have the option to visit the Air and Space, Natural History, Art Museums and many more. They will get to see paintings of art and sculptures, animal fossils, famous gems and many more, but that is if they choose what museums they want to go to. But unfortunatly we will not be able to visit all of the museums. We will be doing a lot of walking so make sure your child brings comfortable shoes.
  • The Capitol.

    The Capitol.
    Students will be visiting our nations Capitol. When entering the capitol they will have to clear security. Once that is over will will watch a documentary about our nation and how it came to be. We will then meet our tour guid who will tell us about the Capitol and who will also take us on a tour of the Capitol. We will be doing a lot of walking.
  • Air and Space Museum.

    Air and Space Museum.
  • Lincoln Memorial.

    Lincoln Memorial.
    Students will be visiting the Lincoln Memorial. They will get to see the monument up close. Your child will be able to see an important land mark of our nation and they will get to learn about it, a tour guid will tell them about the monument.
  • The Guard(Arlington National Cemetary.)

    The Guard(Arlington National Cemetary.)
  • The Everlasting Flame(Arlington National Cemetary.)

    The Everlasting Flame(Arlington National Cemetary.)
  • Capitol Hallway.

    Capitol Hallway.
  • Statues at the Capitol.

    Statues at the Capitol.
  • The Washington Monument.

    The Washington Monument.
    Students will visit the Washington Monument, a tour guid will tell them about the monument. Your child will visit the very site where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have A Dream' speech! And the monument was in a scene of the movie Forrest Gump. Your child will experience the beauty of the monument and will have fun visiting it too!
  • Vietnam Memorial.

    Vietnam Memorial.
    We will be visiting the Vietnam Memorial, your child will get to walk along the memorial and pay their respect to those who died while serving our country.
  • World War 2 Memorial.

    World War 2 Memorial.