1791 BCE
Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage was born in Teignmouth, Devonshire, Great Britain, on December 26, 1791 and died on October 18, 1871. He was a British mathematician and computer scientist. He designed and partially implemented a steam engine, of mechanical difference to calculate tables of numbers. -
Dec 12, 1234
Computer network
A computer network, is a set of computers and / or devices connected by means of cables, signals, waves or any other method of data transport, which share information (files), resources CD-ROM, printers, services (internet access, e-mail, chat, games).
A communications network is a set of technical means that allow remote communication between autonomous teams. Normally it is about transmitting data, audio and video by electromagnetic waves. -
A punched card is a piece of cardboard containing digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predetermined positions. They began to be used in the 19th century for the control of looms.
In 1890 it was the statesman Herman Hollerit who used the technology of the punched cards for the machine that tabulator in charge of carrying out the census of the United States in 1890. -
modern language
The popularity of modern languages means that JavaScript, Java, C, Python or C # are the ones that most developers choose to train as programmers and develop their professional career, but those developers may have to look at other options. these "lost" languages, which can be a juicy business opportunity. In The Australian they counted years ago as the programmers of Delphi or of DB2 could charge up to 1,500 dollars Australian. -
Ada Byron
The scientific contributions of Ada Byron (Lovelace)take place in the first half of the nineteenth century in England. The Ladies Diary or Woman's Almanack (Diary for ladies or Almanac for women) was a publication printed in London, between 1704 and 1840,whose Great success seems to corroborate the interest of Victorian women for the study of science.Although this newspaper offered topics such as cooking recipes,medical advice and crossword puzzles the pages also included advanced math problems. -
machine to describe
In the nineteenth century, office work had already expanded and the number of employees. All documents were made in manuscript form,that was a slow and tedious task, and consumed a lot of scribe time.
There were hundreds of inventors who tried to achieve it in different parts of the world. While there was an English patent of 1714 for a machine for transcribing and printing letters,the first known typewriter project was actually Giuseppe Ravizza's "doodling dish", from 1837 and patented in 1856. -
Alan Turing cracked the enigma code
Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician. Born in London in 1912. In 1939, Turing took a full-time role at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire, where he undertook top secret work to decipher the military codes used by Germany and its allies. The main focus of Turing's work on Bletchley was in deciphering the 'Enigma' code. The Enigma was a type of encryption machine used by the German armed forces to send messages safely. -
first cellphones
The first time a cellular system was described for communication was in a work of D.HR, Bell Laboratories in 1947. One of the big drawbacks was that cell phones operate at high frequencies and at that time there was no technology necessary to take this project into practice.
The first mobile was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. Weighed almost a kilo, it had a screen with a red LED display that showed the number that was they marked. -
Difference between Mac and Pc
Difference between Mac and PC
Computers that use the Windows operating system are called PC, from the English word personal computer, which means personal computer. Those who use Mac OS X, are called Mac. Both computers are fully functional but have a different look and feel. -
The diskette or floppy disk is a data storage medium of magnetic type, formed by a thin circular sheet (disk) of magnetizable and flexible material (hence its name), enclosed in a cover plastic, square or rectangular, that was used in the computer.
The floppy disk drive, floppy disk drive or floppy disk drive (FDD) is the device or storage unit that reads and writes the floppy disks, that is, it is the floppy reader / writer drive. -
generation 1,2,3
The programming involved the direct modification of the cartridges and they were extremely large, they used a lot of electricity, they generated a lot of heat and they were extremely slow.
New programming languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN were developed. They were used in applications for airline reservation systems.
It emerged with the development of integrated circuits (silicon wafers) in which thousands of electronic components. -
virus, antivirus, spyware, phising
Free programs are often a device for delivering malware such as adware, spyware and viruses. Another way criminals try to snag users is by offering "malware protection" through a message that pops up saying a virus has already been detected on the user's computer (hence the term "scareware"). -
opperating system and apps
"OPERATING SYSTEM - ALL IN ONE" app provide environment to learn and prepare in CONCEPT OF OPERATING SYSTEM from anywhere, at any time and beyond the limits. An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs. -
The first touch pad was invented by George E. Gerpheide in 1988. Apple Computer was the first to license and use the touch pad in its Powerbook laptops in 1994. The touch pad has since become the leading cursor controlling device in laptops.Touchpad is an English technological term to refer to a touch panel that allows you to control cursor or facilitate navigation through a menu or any graphical interface. -
ASCII/ Brinary
All the information that is stored in a computer can be in ASCII or binary format, which are the two basic formats of information coding in a computer. The natural way, from the point of view of the machine, is to store the information in binary format; and the natural way for the user is to do it in ASCII format. Both systems use the byte as a minimum unit of information capable of storing 256 different values (usually numbers between 0 and 255). -
A router is a device that allows two different networks in their IP addresses to connect with each other, generates alternate paths so that it is possible for two types of IP addresses such as those of the Internet and those of a local network to exchange information, the router works in the following way: all computers or devices connected to this equipment are assigned an IP address within a local network by the router as it has a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). -
samrtphones, tablets, PDA
Smartphones are mobile devices whose Internet connectivity is available, either through a WiFi signal ("cell phone").
PDA devices, sometimes also known as palmtops, handheld computers or pocket computers, became an important chapter in the interesting history of recent computing.
Tablets are overwhelmingly used to play games and access entertainment (67 per cent), while smartphones are divided between games, social networking, and utilities (to name a few). -
ICloud / ICloud Drive
iCloud is a cloud storage system or cloud computing from Apple Inc., acts as a data center for synchronizing email, contacts, calendars, bookmarks, notes, to-do lists and other data.
iCloud Drive is a cloud service offered by Apple, works with the documents you want on the device you want as iCloud Drive can save all your presentations, spreadsheets, PDF, images or any other document and access them from your iPhone , iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC. -
Diskette, usb floppy
The diskette or floppy disk is a data storage medium of magnetic type, formed by a thin circular sheet (disk) of magnetizable and flexible material (hence its name), enclosed in a cover plastic, square or rectangular, which was used in the computer.
The floppy disk drive, floppy disk drive or floppy disk drive (FDD) is the device or storage unit that reads and writes the floppy disks, that is, it is the floppy reader / writer drive. -
types of computer
Huge as a room or small as a USB stick. Computers are part of the lives of all the people of the world, even those that do not use them directly but through computers receive all kinds of services, from the most essential to the most specialized. Some computers are analog, digital, desktop, laptop.