The First Calculating Machine
Blaise Pascal This ivention was made by Blaise Pascal. He tried to help his father as he saw him struggle during tax season.The first Pascaline could only handle 5-digit numbers, but later Pascal became 6 digits and 8 digit versions -
The First Mechanical Computer( The Difference Engine)
Charles Babbage Being called the "Analytical Engine" was the first proccesser like the modern day computer with a Control Unit, Storage Device, Input, and a Output. -
The First Electronic Computer "ABC" or "ENIAC"
<ahref='http://http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aa050898.htm' >ABC</a> Now calling it the ENIAC made by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It is used by first computing the machine to use electricity, vacuum tubes, binary numbers and capacitors. -
The First Programmable Computer "Z1 Circa"
Zuse Pending this invetion from Konrad Zuse which was made to help him with his engineering calculations.He realized that an automatic-calculator device would require three basic elements: a control, a memory, and a calculator for the arithmetic. -
The First Stored Program Computer "SSEM" or "Baby"
SSEM Standing for Manchester Small-Scale Experimental invented by Sir F.C. Williams and Tom Kilburn. The SSEM utilized the fast random access properties of the Williams Tube to store not only the data needed for numerical computations, but also the actual program instructions. It also increases in speed. -
The First Transistor Computer"TRADIC"
TRADIC This machine was built by the Bell Labs. Using it for it's no didoes and vaccum tubes it was given to the U.S. Air Force. The machine consisted of 700 point-contact transistors and 10,000 germanium diodes. -
The First Workstation IBM 1620
IBM 1620This device was a typewritter built by Watson Lab alumnus and John Backus. (the 1620 was a true stored-program computer rather than a "Turing machine" with a long tape), and a standard high-level programming language. -
The First Minicomputer "DEC PDP-8 Minicomputer"
Digital Equipment Corp. introduced the compact PDP-8. You were able to move to multiple places. This became popular for many laaboratories. -
The First Personal Computer "MITS"
<ahref='http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/compersonal.htm' >Personal Computer</a> They were made between the time frame of 1959 and 1971. It was made up of a machine which combines the equivalent of thousands of transistors on a single, tiny silicon chip. It was created by Steve Wozniak. -
The First Apple Computer
The first home computer with a GUI (graphical user interface was the Apple Lisa.) This was invented by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. -
The First Laptop or Portable Computer "Osborne"
Osborne 1This invetion was made by the Osborne Computer Corporation. This device it closes-up for protection, and has a carrying handle.It even has an optional battery pack, so it doesn't have to plugged into the 110VAC outlet for power. -
The Multimedia Computer
Computer A multimedia computer is a computer that is optimized for high multimedia performance. On this computer you were able to play many games. It was invented by Commodore International. -
2010 and Beyond
I think computers will be much more advanced. At the rate technology encounters are going now I believe we will be able to vote online on our cellular phones. Also many people won't have to use Wi-Fi internet there will already be an automatic signal that comes onto your computer, that will not give you a virus.