Boeing Defence , Bell Helicopter , and Allison Engine Company Get a Contract to Build a Prototype Osprey or ( V-22 )
First Tilt Roter Aircraft to Take Off
Period: to
The Osprey
Legislators Told the Pentagon to Build Over there Objections of Danger.
Development of the Osprey Halted Due to Five Protypes Crashing.
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Family Members of the 1990 and 1991 Crash Looking to Build a Memorial to the 23 Service Men.
Experimental V-22 Osprey Aircraft Crashed Into the Potomac River Near the Quantico Marine Air Station.
Seven people believe to be killed ( full details kept secret ) -
Osprey Grounded After Crash Kills 23 Marines
V-22 Osprey Aircraft Went Down in North Carolina Killing Four.
First Ospreys Hit the Battlefield in Iraq.
Osprey Crashed in Southeastern Afganistan Killing 3 Service Members and One Goverment Contracter ( Mercenary )